Halloween 2020

Halloween was different this year, but we managed to celebrate while staying safe.  The holiday started off with the usual Larchmont window painting, masked this year.  We painted a window at D’Agostino Tailors since several of Blaine’s friends also signed up there.

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On Wednesday 10/28 we carved the pumpkins!

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On Friday, 10/30, the kids were allowed to wear costumes to school!  Costume masks were not allowed, and no facepaint, only cloth covid masks.

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After school we walked over to the library to see their treat chutes.

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Blaine received a coupon for a free small french fries at Manor Park Deli, so we headed there next.

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On Saturday, 10/31, Blaine and Andrew made Halloween biscuits!  Blaine had the idea and asked Andrew to buy Halloween cookie cutters, so we had bat and pumpkin-shaped biscuits.

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In the afternoon we walked around in costume.

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We also got ready for the small Halloween gathering our wonderful neighbors were hosting.  We prepared a bunch of eggs with mini lights and glowsticks in them, and had an egg hunt with four families on our street who all have children of around the same age, seven kids in all.

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We got the house all decorated in our usual Alfred Hitchcock inspired way (which even won second place in a local contest this year!).

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And we put out a treat table for passers-by.

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Then the kids got in their costumes!  Blaine was pleased with how this pic came out, looks like he is actually about to shoot some force lightning as Darth Sidious.

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The whole group!


I took a moment to try to capture the evening’s blue moon (blue hunter’s moon to be exact).

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Happy Halloween, everybody!

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