June 2020

Here are some pics of a hike at the Marshlands Conservancy.  Blaine usually hates all our hikes, but he remarked on how beautiful he thought this particular area was, leading from John Jay’s house down to the water.

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We saw a lot of wildlife, including crossing paths with a deer.  And the highlight of Sarah’s day was seeing four live horseshoe crabs!

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Sarah also started trying to learn how to ride a two-wheeler in June, though she quickly abandoned the effort.  Oh well, we’ll get back to it someday.

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Blaine’s tomatoes were doing well, and started flowering.

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We also had a number of end of the school year activities.  Here we are out on Chatsworth Ave to cheer for the graduating high school seniors.  We saw a few babysitters drive by!

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The kids planted some sunflower seeds they’d received from Chatsworth.  Alas, when we transferred the seedlings to the front planting bed as instructed some animal came along and ate them all!  Phooey.

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Sarah’s class had a number of virtual celebrations, starting with a class brunch, and followed by a bedtime story one evening.

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Meanwhile, NY was moving into phases of reopening and Larchmont quickly organized al fresco dining.  We took advantage early on and enjoyed a meal at one of our favorite village restaurants, LaLa Taqueria.

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June is the best month at the beach!

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Sarah’s last class activity was an ice cream party to celebrate all the summer birthdays.  It was sweet how her teacher organized so many events to mark the end of the school year.

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Blaine’s class also had a virtual goodbye meeting, and his teacher showed a photo compilation she’d put together which brought a few tears to my eyes.  Here’s a pic of Blaine on one of the last days.

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Then it was all over!  We went outside again to cheer for the graduating 5th graders who all drove by on the last day of school.

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Last day of Kindergarten for Sarah!  Now we have a 1st and a 3rd grader.

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The first tomato!

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Lastly, here is a photo of some of the new plantings in our backyard!  We enjoyed a lot of outdoor dining at home in June.

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