More April

More photos from April!  On 4/8 the Easter Bunny rode by on the Larchmont fire trucks, and we celebrated Blaine’s half birthday with buttercream-frosted brownies.

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The kids were learning all about vernal pools for nature at school, so we went to the Sheldrake river trail to check some out.

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On 4/10 we celebrated Sarah’s half birthday with banana bread!

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And we had a very happy Easter on 4/12, complete with chocolate, rocket balloons, an egg hunt, more chocolate, smashing the chocolate bunny Gram sent (thanks, Robin!).

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Here is Sarah with completed puzzle #3 from quarantine.

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One day the kids’ art assignment was to make food sculptures.

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Another day we went back to Sheldrake for more sitting in nature.  The kids love this big rock, which is a great sit spot.

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We also found, and harassed, this frog.  Sorry, frog!

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We were enjoying the daily NY times puzzles for awhile, until they turned the Spelling Bee back into a subscription-only thing.  One day the mini crossword happened to contain Sarah’s first and middle names!

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A banana bread showdown, two different recipes.  We all decided we preferred the Eleanor Hennessey (c. 1935) recipe from the Butterworths over the Joy of Cooking recipe.  Plus it’s easier to make!

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Takeout from Rio Bravo, featuring margaritas!

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Some Blue Jays hung out in our yard for awhile.  I was worried they were confused about the missing tree in our yard, but then I decided they were just digging up roots from the exposed earth to build a nest.

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Another day at Sheldrake!  We went so many times in April, at the suggestion of the Chatsworth homeschooling.

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Sarah continued enjoying her One River virtual art classes.

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One day Blaine’s assignment for reading was to read, and make, a recipe.  He picked out a chocolate cake recipe from a cookbook someone gave him a year or so ago (I think it was from Great Grandmommy?).  It was delicious!  So chocolatey.

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Another art assignment, this time to make sculptures from nature.  We had recently all been startled/frightened by a house centipede, and so Sarah decided to sculpt some house centipedes on our patio.

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Another day we went to Flint Park to fly a kite!  The kids did a great job with the inconsistent wind.

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Yet another trip to Sheldrake!  This time we tried to skip rocks on the Sheldrake River.  I achieved one skip.  We texted Uncle Tim to find out what his record is, and the kids were wowed to hear it was 12!

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Blaine has been working hard in his virtual PT and OT sessions!

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Here is a microscope he earned from working so hard.

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Both kids have enjoyed the Google Meets virtual class meetings their teachers have been hosting.

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On 4/30, Blaine lost another tooth!  His 8th?  The last incisor (upper left).

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That week was also Teacher Appreciation week and we made sure to thank our teachers, who are doing a great job during this strange time!  This experience has made us more aware and appreciative of all that our teachers do each day.  Thank you, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Shevin!

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Special Guest: Blaine’s Entry


Here are some things about homeschool.

I get to use a lot of screens.

I get to use Mom’s computer.

In fact, I am using Mom’s computer right now.

I miss my friends.  Click on this link next week to see if you are one of them.

Time to say goodbye!


Happy Birthday, Great Grandmommy!

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Blaine and Sarah wanted to wish Great Grandmommy a very happy birthday!!  We hope that you had a very special birthday and we are sorry that we were not able to be there to celebrate with you.  Instead we are sending these germ-free virtual birthday greetings to you via the internet!  Sarah says, “We love you and hope you have a good birthday!”

April at home

Originally the school district announced school would be closed until March 30.  Now I think that’s been extended to April 15, though everyone knows it will be until at least April 30, possibly until the end of the year?  We are in week four of homeschooling, and it is hard!  I have great admiration for all teachers.  But we are muddling through.  Here is a portrait Sarah drew of her panda, Hardface, in the style of some artist I can’t remember.  Another project from the Chatsworth art teacher!

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We went back to the Marshland Conservancy on 4/2 for another beautiful hike, this time on a new-to-us trail that went by the John Jay Cemetary and down into the marsh with beautiful views.

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April 3 was Andrew’s birthday!  We got out the birthday banners to make it festive and baked him a yellow cake with chocolate buttercream frosting.  We were running out of gel frosting, hence the brevity on the cake-writing.  The kids also made and painted some pinch pots for him.

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I love how you can see Blaine sneakily blowing out the candles in the picture below.

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We finished our second puzzle, called, “Tree-dwelling Slowpokes,” featuring a giant panda.

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And we did some more cleaning!  Sarah is a champ with a mop.

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The kids really enjoyed this Knex set we got them, with a motor.  The first thing they built was this miniature ferris wheel.

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Lastly, I just had to include this one of Blaine, taken by Sarah.  I mostly only take pictures when everyone is happy and things are going well, so this is a bit of truth that sometimes we have whining and tears!  In this case, Blaine was upset that we were making him go outside.

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