Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly visit

Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly came to visit on June 28 and the kids were excited to take them to Rye Playland!  It was a hot day but we cooled off with some Carvel soft serve.

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Blaine and Aunt Molly went on this ride called the “Slime Bucket” which is a teacup-style ride, and the operator had to stop and get Blaine off when Aunt Molly’s spinning was too much for him.  🙂

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After Playland we went to the beach for the Friday Family Fun Night!  It was a beautiful evening and Aunt Molly continued her tradition of swimming fully clothed on visits to Larchmont.

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The next day we went back to the beach in the morning and stayed for lunch and part of the afternoon.  Then we came home for showers, Zingo, reading, and dinner.  Andrew made my current fave, fish tacos, and we had homemade chocolate ice cream and Dana Cree’s Nutter Buddies for dessert.

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This was also the weekend when we’d signed up to water the Chatsworth gardens!

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Thanks for visiting, Mom and Mol!  We had a great time!

Blaine’s last day of school & Bronx Zoo

June 26 was the last day of school!  Blaine was there for a whopping half hour and then we picked him up again.  We celebrated the official start of summer with lunch at LT.

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Here’s Blaine with his classroom aide, Mrs. Rhodes.

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And here he is with his first grade teacher, Mrs. Aiello.

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He had a wonderful year and we’re so grateful to his teachers and the school team who made it possible.  Can’t believe it went by so quickly and that in September Blaine and Sarah will be going to school together!

Blaine got to choose the outing for the next day, so we headed to the Bronx Zoo to check out the Dinosaurs exhibit!  We got to ride on a truck and see some animatronic dinosaurs.

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More June

We made some strawberry shortcake for Father’s Day.

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Blaine brought home this book on pandas to read to Sarah.

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Sarah got to pick some outings for her days off while Blaine was still in school.  The first day her top choice was go to the park and play frisbee!  Her second pick was the Westchester Children’s Museum.

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Sarah is really into playing Uno right now.

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T-ball trophies!

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I decided to konmari my closet and made a big trip to Goodwill one day.

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Blaine has been enjoying helping with cooking — here he is with “Blaine’s mac and cheese” which he made with Andrew one night.

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Sarah and I visited Blaine’s class for the “writing workshop” where we got to see his big animal project he’d been working on for awhile.  His group learned all about starfish.

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We also got to see Blaine and some classmates recite the pledge over the loudspeaker in the principal’s office.

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On one of Blaine’s half days we went to the library so Blaine could get his own library card.

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Sarah’s Preschool Graduation

I can not believe our baby is graduating from preschool and getting ready to start Kindergarten!  Sarah does not like it when I call her baby, though, so I need to stop that.  She did a great job with all the songs in the ceremony (my fave was If I Had a Hammer).  After graduation there were cupcakes, more music, and face painting in the garden.  And then we went for a celebratory lunch at Polpettina with Nicholas.  Congratulations, Sarah!

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Here is a picture of Sarah’s tile (top right) which she painted and which will remain on the walls at LTNS with all the other graduates’.

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June 2019

The kids have started giving me a hand in front of their face a lot for pictures, so I don’t seem to have so many good ones recently.

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But then occasionally Sarah will ham it up!


And here she wanted me to take a pic of her “sand excavator”.

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I joined Sarah’s preschool class for a trip to the library in June, and Sarah was excited to get her very own library card.

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She was also very excited to finally get ice cream from the Manor Deli, which she has been requesting for some time.

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Here’s a pic her teacher took of us having lunch after school — for the last few months she wanted to have lunch immediately after school every day with her friend Nicholas.

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On her last official day of school she asked if we could paint her nails for the graduation the next day, so we did!  She was so happy, she said it would make it better when she does the hand motions for the songs they’d prepared.  Here she is enjoying some BBQ chicken (still her fave) with her freshly painted nails.

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Nate’s Baptism

We went down to PA on June 1 for Nate’s Baptism and party on the 2nd.  We got to hang out with Josie and Nate, celebrate Aunt Molly’s birthday a few weeks early, and see how wonderful the house looks!  Thanks for hosting us, Mom and Tim and Liz!

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