First half of May

I volunteered to help Blaine’s class during the Art Appreciation spring activity — here they are making clay totem poles in the style of Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest.

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An early sign of spring: we had our sprinklers turned on!  We found that a pipe had burst and Blaine was excited to help mark it to be patched.

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One of my favorite halibut recipes calls for stinging nettles and morels — morels are hard to find, and I’ve always subbed in spinach for the nettles.  I was so happy to see Fresh Direct was selling both one week and for the first time ever I made the recipe as written.  It was delicious!  This is from the Lark cookbook (a Seattle restaurant).

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Not sure what the kids were doing here.

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I spent awhile trying to identify this weed which was spreading over our front lawn.  I finally figured out it is a wildflower called Carolina Geranium.  I don’t know why I fixated on this particular weed when we have such a variety all over our lawn.

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Here are some pics of Blaine’s T-ball team: Modell’s Sporting Goods.  He is in the front row, center.

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Sarah went to a birthday party at Bona Bona Ice Cream in Port Chester.  The party room had a “sprinkle shower” feature at the end where rainbow sprinkles rained down from the ceiling.  We were finding sprinkles in our hair and clothing for the rest of the day.  The ice cream was delicious.

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The Chatsworth Carnival was held in May this year rather than June as is typical.  It was a food truck theme which ended up being a disappointment since only 3 of the 5 trucks showed up!  But otherwise we had fun!

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Andrew bravely took our volunteer shift manning the Balloon Pop station, and Blaine served as his assistant.

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Here’s Blaine cleaning his new (old) desk that I snagged for $10 at the rummage sale at the church across the street from our house.  It felt like fate since Blaine’s OT recommended he use a slanted surface for writing, but we’ve just been using a plastic 3-ring binder all year.

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Blaine was excited to plant this flower he brought home from school for me as a Mother’s Day gift.  I think it’s a marigold?

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One Friday after school Sarah had another birthday party near the Bona Bona in Port Chester, so I took Blaine there for a treat while Sarah had her party.  I think Sarah went to six birthday parties in May and June, three in one weekend alone!

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Sarah’s T-ball pictures.

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We enjoyed our first meal outdoors on our patio, on May 11.

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Lastly here’s a cute photo Sarah’s teacher took of her with the school security guard, Matt.

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