Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly Visit

Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly came to visit us on the weekend of March 22.  They brought several new puzzles which we all enjoyed.

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Blaine showed Mom-Mom how far he’s come with his reading since Christmas.

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On Saturday we went to the American Museum of Natural History to see the new T-Rex exhibit!  It was awesome.

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For comparison, here is a 4-yr-old Sarah next to a 4-yr-old T-Rex.

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After learning all about T-Rex we went next door to Shake Shack for some lunch.  It was packed, so we had our burgers on a bench outside and ate very quickly due to the cold and wind.

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Then we showed Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly the blue whale, always a favorite at the AMNH.

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Back home, we did some more puzzles and enjoyed some halibut for dinner and some more homemade chocolate ice cream.

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Close observers may note that Sarah’s superman outfit changed midway through this post.  That’s because I ordered her a new and larger version which arrived that weekend!  The cape goes almost down to the floor.  Her teachers and classmates have started calling her “Super Sarah” though as of this writing (May 5) she is no longer dressing up every day.