
Blaine did a project in his art class at school where they made stamps using a piece of foam and then rolled on the ink.  He liked it so much we borrowed some art materials from his teacher to make Valentines!

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Blaine has been asking for his own bank account for awhile so one day he and Andrew gathered all the pertinent information to open an account!  There’s not much in there, but he’s on his way.

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One day we went to a mini-golf fundraiser at the Larchmont Library.

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Sarah and I took on the biggest puzzle challenge of all, this 1500 piece Van Gogh.  I got it when I was pregnant with Sarah but had not made much progress by the time she was born, so I put it away.  We were both very disappointed to find that one piece was missing… probably lost in our Seattle house.  Oh well!

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I think I took this one because of the amazing blue lips/tongue/thumb combo that Sarah achieved thanks to a blue Ring Pop.

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