More July

July flew by, and now I am left with just a smattering of pictures.  One day Andrew took the kids to the transit museum in Brooklyn!

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A pic of Blaine’s camp group:

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Blaine discovered he had his first loose tooth!  Bottom right incisor, same one that came in first when he was 5 months old.

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Sarah enjoying her favorite – raspberry sorbet – at Longfords.

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At the end of July both kids came down with a nasty stomach bug.  It didn’t last long, 12-24 hours of throwing up a few times, but then it was days before they were interested in eating anything.  Blaine was home from camp for a whole week!

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One day I drove down to Wynnewood solo to pick up a table, and got to take a few pics of the work underway.

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Sarah also discovered a love of kale chips.

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Happy Birthday, Mommy

I turned 38 on July 10.  It was a beautiful day so I spent the morning sans kids at the beach, reading.  My favorite way to spend a day!

In the afternoon Blaine had his PT/OT in Mamaroneck so Sarah and I went for ice cream while we were waiting.  It was our first time at this new place called “Sweet Charlie’s” which makes rolled ice cream.  Sarah and I agreed that we liked it, but did not love it.

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That night I got a sitter and met Andrew for a delicious sushi dinner (my fave!) at SHOJI at 69 Leonard.  It was amazing.  The kids were disappointed we were not having cake on my actual birthday, but we decided to celebrate at home the following Saturday.  Here are the kids helping Andrew bake the cake!

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Blaine was particularly excited to take charge of the cake decorating.  We were so impressed to see he’d started it off right with an H-A-P.

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Here’s the final result, after a little guidance, and some assistance squeezing in “Mom” at the end.  He also put on the sprinkles and the candles!   He was so proud.  🙂  And the cake was delicious, of course.

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The kids both started camp the Monday after we got back from LBI.  Blaine is doing the Flint Park Day Camp in town, which is restricted to Larchmont Village and so is filled with kids from his elementary school.  Sarah is going to the camp at her nursery school.

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We went to a birthday party one evening at a beach club; it was beautiful!

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Blaine’s favorite part of camp is that the ice cream truck comes every day after lunch!

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Sarah’s camp group got to take a field trip to the library one day.  She knows most of the kids in her class, and she likes her counselors — both of whom happen to be named Sarah, too.

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The nature walk at Flint Park.

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On 7/8 we hosted our neighbors with young kids for a bbq.  Andrew made delicious burgers and hot dogs for the kids, and seared tuna for the grown-ups.  We lucked out with a beautiful evening and our mosquito coils kept the bugs at bay.

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