LBI with the Mahoneys

We spent a week in Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island for the last week in June, with all the Mahoneys.  The drive down was fine (apart from Blaine throwing up) with no traffic.  Here’s Sarah pretending she’s a shark on the beach!

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Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly were already there when we arrived, and just a short time later Uncle Tim, Aunt Liz, and Josie showed up.  Uncle Fran and Alexis were going to come for a few nights later in the week.  That night, Andrew cooked a yummy dinner that we’d brought from NY.

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The next morning Andrew ran out for some pastries and coffee while we waited for our Fresh Direct grocery delivery.  It ended up being mis-delivered and finally showed up an hour late!  But most of it was still fine and Fresh Direct customer service was easy to work with and issued a hefty refund.

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Josie has been feeling some reluctance around water, so Tim and Liz set up this cool inflatable pool for her to play with.  Our kids enjoyed it, as well!

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The first morning was a little cloudy so we decided to take a trip to the Barnegat Lighthouse.  The kids made it up the 200-some steps to the top!

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Blaine dropped his hat somewhere inside the lighthouse, so we were thrilled to find that the Barnegat Volunteer Firefighters were having a fundraiser sale including hats.  We were also happy to later find out Uncle Tim was able to retrieve his original hat from atop the lighthouse.

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It turned into a beautiful afternoon so we headed to the beach.  Blaine and Sarah took great joy in knocking down all of Uncle Tim’s sandcastles.

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Andrew replaced some of our fresh direct items at a local fish and produce store and cooked a delicious dinner.  After dinner, Uncle Tim and Aunt Molly flagged down the ice cream truck driving by.

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The next day was Monday and we headed to the beach.

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Blaine and Sarah helped Uncle Tim build a giant volcano.

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We’d originally planned to drive down to Beach Haven for the rides that evening, but it was so beautiful we decided to linger at the beach instead, and Andrew cooked some yummy burgers for dinner.  Thanks for all the cooking, honey!

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On Tuesday morning for a change of pace we took the kids to the Sunset Park playground, about a mile from where we were staying.

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Then just our family went for Flamingo mini golf, which was a great old-fashioned course with colorful painted wood obstacles and motorized features.  I loved it!  Then we went next door for lunch at Woodie’s, and then we said goodbye to Daddy, who was driving back to NY for work the next day.

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When we got back to the house we found that Mom had slipped and injured her wrist, so Tim was taking her to urgent care for an x-ray (she was fine, just a sprain — phew!).  We hung out at the house and Aunt Molly entertained the kids by jumping into the kiddie pool, fully clothed.

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That night Uncle Fran and Alexis arrived, and helped cook a nice meal of chicken parmesan with Mom’s guidance.

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The next day we were back at the beach!  It was a cooler day so we were in sweaters and hoodies.

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We had lunch on the beach and then went home early to shower and get ready to head to Beach Haven for the rides.

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Sarah fell asleep on the ride down there, so Blaine got to enjoy some rides solo while she slept in the car.

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Here are both kids on a ride with Uncle Tim and Josie — it was Josie’s first ride ever!  She did not love it.  🙂

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This ride was a great deal, only 3 tickets, and your child is locked in a tiny pumpkin for a significant amount of time.

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While Blaine was getting a nice view from his tiny pumpkin jail, Sarah wanted to ride on this boat.  I’m only realizing now how creepy that Donald Duck lookalike is behind her.

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This bumblebee was Blaine’s favorite; it went up and down and around pretty quickly.

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After the rides we walked over to the Ship Bottom Brewery for dinner; they don’t serve food but you can bring in food from the pizzeria next door.  We were lucky to snag this giant table for our party of 10.  Uncle Fran treated us to dinner — thanks, Fran!

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The next morning, the kids continued to abuse their two uncles.

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Three cousins having breakfast.  Josie has decided that all cousins are called “Emmett” after her actual cousin, Emmett, who lives nearby in PA.  So anytime she wanted to know where Blaine was, she’d ask, “Emmett?”  It was pretty cute.

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On Thursday it was supposed to thunderstorm all day, so we decided to head back to the Sunset Park playground.  The kids loved this giant pirate ship, and the doubledecker twisty slide.

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It turned into a decent afternoon, so after doing some reading with Mom-Mom, Uncle Tim inflated the boat we’d brought along and we headed over to the calm water at the bay beach.

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And then we spent some more time at the kiddie pool with Uncle Tim.

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That night, Uncle Tim and Aunt Liz cooked some delicious tacos for dinner, and Uncle Fran and Alexis made a birthday cake so that we could celebrate all the summer birthdays: Aunt Molly (June 19), me (July 10), Mom-Mom (July 20), Uncle Fran (July 27).  The big celebration was for Fran, who is turning 40 this year!  I got him this little battery-operated dog that yaps annoyingly and does backflips, just like the one I recalled Dad getting at his 40th birthday party.  Happy Birthday, Fran!

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Our last day in LBI!  I liked how Josie seemed to be imitating Blaine’s slouchy posture at breakfast.

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Friday was a beautiful sunny day so we set up all three umbrellas and the tent.

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Josie was not a big fan of the sand despite our best efforts, so she spent most of her beach time in the tent, or safe in one of her parents’ arms.

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Uncle Fran and Alexis had a party to go to back in VA, so they left mid-day.  Here they are saying goodbye, with Fran helping Alexis on the hot hot sand.

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For our last night Mom-Mom treated us to yummy takeout from the Harvey Cedars Shellfish Company — we got the calamari and crab dip appetizers, mussels over linguini, and the fried seafood platter.  Yum!  She also got some to-go pints from the Harvey Cedars Ice Cream Parlour.  Chocolate Sweet and Salty (with pretzels and caramel) and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup — the “perfect cup” as Uncle Tim declared.  So tasty!

The next morning we packed up, cleaned up, and headed out in our separate directions.  It was a wonderful week — I’m so happy we could all be together!

June Roundup

Here are all the photos from June that don’t fit into other posts.  Here are the kids at a neighborhood barbecue on 6/1.  They were entertained by one neighbor who brought along her pet turtle!

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Sarah worked on a complicated chalk drawing at Chatsworth one day.

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Blaine worked on his bath bubble beard.

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Sarah worked on this puzzle.

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And painted a panda in watercolor.

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Blaine was excited to receive this cool new shirt from Gram and Grand-dad, from their recent trip to France.

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We made it to our first Friday Family Fun Night at the beach.

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Blaine enjoyed listening to Daddy read Doctor Dolittle.

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And we all enjoyed having some more ice cream from Longford’s.

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Father’s Day was pretty low key this year, but the kids made Andrew some pretty awesome gifts at school.

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Sarah consented to say cheese for this picture, when I pointed out that we don’t know how much longer we’ll have to play on the fire truck at Turtle Park.  There are plans in the works to redo the whole playground!

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Sarah plucked this beautiful orange flower from beside our driveway.


She also got her first pedicure ever!  We had them together in preparation for our trip to LBI.  She loved it!

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Blaine’s last week of Kindergarten

On 6/20 all six Chatsworth Kindergarten classes gathered in Flint Park for an end of the year picnic.  Well, it wasn’t really a picnic since it was 9:30-11am, but there were ice pops.

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Here’s a pic of Blaine with his classroom aide, Mrs. Glenn.

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Friday, 6/22, was Blaine’s last day of Kindergarten.  I can’t believe how much he has grown!

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The last day was only 25 minutes long, so we stayed for awhile after pickup to play in the playground.

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Mayor for the day

On 6/18, thanks to the silent auction at the Chatsworth parents’ night, Blaine had the honor of joining Mayor Walsh as mayor of Larchmont for the day.

He started the day with tours of the Village hall, police station (including jail cells!) and the fire station.

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Then we went for dinner at Polpettina, and then headed back to the Village Hall for the board meeting that evening.  Blaine had a seat at the table right next to the mayor!

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He got to lead everyone in the pledge.

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Then he helped give awards to two sophomores from the high school who just won the state championship in tennis.

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After that was the swearing in of officers of the volunteer firefighters!

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Lastly, Mayor Walsh gave Blaine a certificate to remember the day.

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I believe the meeting was televised on local television, and that we could find it somewhere online.  I haven’t yet tried to find it, though!  Blaine was bragging about being on television for days.  He was also thrilled when his photo showed up in our local newspaper a few weeks later!

Children’s Museum of Manhattan

Andrew’s company rented out the Children’s Museum of Manhattan for a few hours on Sunday, 6/10.

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The kids enjoyed this arts room where they got to make an animation.  They chose to animate a fire truck putting out a fire.

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Then we went upstairs and the kids were thrilled to find a room with a fire pole, fire truck, and all the accessories!  We spent the rest of the morning in this area.

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Chatsworth Carnival

On Saturday, June 9, we went to the annual Chatsworth Carnival.  Andrew manned our volunteer slot at the white elephant table while I took the kids around.  Blaine’s first stop was the bumper cars!

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The big hit for our kids, as usual, was the rescue vehicles.  We got to see all the firefighter equipment.

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Blaine wouldn’t try on the coat, so they insisted that I give it a try.  It was heavy!


Then the kids got to sit in a police car!

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And an ambulance!

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Sarah’s last week of school

Sarah’s class had an end-of-year picnic at Turtle Park on 6/7.  We celebrated a birthday, had some lunch, and thanked the teachers!

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Friday, 6/8, was Sarah’s last day of school!

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Her school had a celebratory picnic with music and face painting!  I took some pics of Sarah with her wonderful teachers, Emily and Deb.

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And here is Sarah getting her face painted like a panda (of course)!

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