More May

The weather has been getting nicer and nicer, so we often stay at the playground after we pick Blaine up from school.  One day Sarah and I were drawing with chalk and she asked me to draw a monkey for Blaine.  She decided to add a second tail, using yellow chalk… which ended up looking like the monkey was peeing, so she went with it.  I hope no one at Chatsworth was offended.

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On 5/9 I went along for the Kindergarten field trip to the Sheldrake Nature Center.  We saw some geese, a big brown frog, and lots of poison ivy!

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Here is a pic of Sarah making me a necklace for Mother’s Day!

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She insisted that I open it right away (before Mother’s Day), and then also suggested that we might take turns wearing it.  🙂

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On 5/12 she went to a birthday party for her friend, Ayan.

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May 13 was Mother’s Day, and I got to enjoy these beautiful gifts that the kids made at school — a picture from each of them, a birdhouse from Blaine, and a small coinpurse and a necklace from Sarah.  Such sweet, wonderful presents!

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I spent most of the weekend resting my foot, with ice, while keeping it elevated, or else keeping it compressed.  RICE!  Sadly, I had sprained my foot that Thursday during my beloved adult cardio tennis class.  🙁

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Blaine (with Daddy’s help) spent the weekend working on learning his “trick” words for school, and was rewarded with a trip to Red Mango!  mmm.

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On 5/16, Sarah and I were able to stay at Chatsworth after dropoff to see Blaine and a few of his classmates do the pledge over the loudspeaker.  So cute!

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