Memorial Day Weekend

It was an extra long Memorial Day weekend this year; the kids had extra days off to make up for not having enough snow days.  On Friday, 5/25, we had a picnic at Harbor Island in Mamaroneck and went to the playground.

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It was a HOT day and I hadn’t realized the Mamaroneck beach and spray park would be open, so we weren’t wearing bathing suits.  But I decided to let the kids go in anyway.

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We spent some time looking at the boats while drying off.

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On Saturday the Larchmont Manor Beach opened, and we had a fabulous time.  There were so many friends there from Chatsworth and LTNS.

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Sunday was a rainy day, and then on Monday we decided to drive over to Bear Mountain for the first time.  We climbed this lookout tower and enjoyed the view.

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Then we had lunch at a Mexican place in Peekskill.

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On Tuesday, Sarah had school in the morning but Blaine had another day off, so we went to the beach in the afternoon.

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Sarah’s haircut

Sarah was asking for a haircut for awhile, so I scheduled side-by-side haircuts for the two of us, on May 22.  She was unwilling to have her hair washed, but she was so well behaved for the actual cut.

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Here she is showing off her new ‘do the next day!

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Fette Sau and the NYSCI

We had a rainy Saturday on 5/19, so we decided to drive into Brooklyn for some barbecue at Fette Sau.  Sarah was into it!  Blaine mostly wanted to eat rolls.  Then we drove by to take a look at my old apartment on Metropolitan at Graham.

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After lunch we went to the NY Hall of Science in Queens.  It was a nice little museum, perfect for a rainy day, with exhibits on sports, space exploration, and math, and a great design/building space on the lower level.  Sarah really enjoyed building with PVC pipes.

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(Blaine took this picture of me below, by the way!)

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Perhaps inspired by all the building opportunities at the museum, the kids got really into their building toys again.  Sarah made a rocket ship out of duplos, and Blaine made a large structure he called the “Stop Palace.”

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More May

The weather has been getting nicer and nicer, so we often stay at the playground after we pick Blaine up from school.  One day Sarah and I were drawing with chalk and she asked me to draw a monkey for Blaine.  She decided to add a second tail, using yellow chalk… which ended up looking like the monkey was peeing, so she went with it.  I hope no one at Chatsworth was offended.

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On 5/9 I went along for the Kindergarten field trip to the Sheldrake Nature Center.  We saw some geese, a big brown frog, and lots of poison ivy!

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Here is a pic of Sarah making me a necklace for Mother’s Day!

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She insisted that I open it right away (before Mother’s Day), and then also suggested that we might take turns wearing it.  🙂

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On 5/12 she went to a birthday party for her friend, Ayan.

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May 13 was Mother’s Day, and I got to enjoy these beautiful gifts that the kids made at school — a picture from each of them, a birdhouse from Blaine, and a small coinpurse and a necklace from Sarah.  Such sweet, wonderful presents!

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I spent most of the weekend resting my foot, with ice, while keeping it elevated, or else keeping it compressed.  RICE!  Sadly, I had sprained my foot that Thursday during my beloved adult cardio tennis class.  🙁

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Blaine (with Daddy’s help) spent the weekend working on learning his “trick” words for school, and was rewarded with a trip to Red Mango!  mmm.

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On 5/16, Sarah and I were able to stay at Chatsworth after dropoff to see Blaine and a few of his classmates do the pledge over the loudspeaker.  So cute!

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Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly visit

Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly arrived on Friday, 5/4, to visit for the weekend.  They arrived just in time to visit Sarah’s school for Shabbat.

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That afternoon we relaxed at home and Mom-Mom even dressed up as a pirate!  We had a nice dinner at home and took it easy.

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The next morning we got ready for a trip to the Norwalk Aquarium.

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The kids loved the baby sea turtle, “Squirt”.

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Then we had some snack and played at the outdoor sandbox at the aquarium, before heading back in to see the Pandas Imax movie.

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After the movie we went across the street for some tacos at El Segundo.  After all, it was Cinco de Mayo!

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Then we drove back to Larchmont for the kids’ swimming lesson.  Aunt Molly had decided she didn’t want to go swimming, but then once she saw how great it looked she changed her mind and dove in!  Fully clothed!  We had a moment where everyone in the pool looked totally surprised/nervous, but then Aunt Molly showed off her swimming skills and everyone relaxed.  And laughed.  Luckily, I had a bag full of clothes headed to Goodwill in the trunk, so Aunt Molly was able to change into an old maternity top and some jeans with holes in the them.  🙂

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That night we had some yummy dinner on the patio and then headed inside to see Justify win the Kentucky Derby.

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Sunday morning Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly were up so early we didn’t even see them before they left!  Thanks for visiting, we had a wonderful time!!

Here’s Blaine showing off his new skill at the playground — tall enough to reach the bar!

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That afternoon we drove over to Tarrytown for lunch at the Bridgeview Tavern (with a view of the Tappan Zee bridge).  After lunch we found an actual fire boat docked on the river and stopped to have a look.

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On our drive back we passed by a New Balance store and stopped to get Sarah a new pair of shoes (since her not-so-old sparkly light-up Twinkle Toes pair turned out to be pretty uncomfortable!).

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