March 2018

Apart from the storm, it’s been a pretty uneventful month.  Sarah enjoyed some bacon.

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The kids got some new lego sets.

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We went out to Mt. Fuji Steakhouse for dinner one night.  Sarah was pretty scared of the flames, but Blaine seemed into it.

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Sarah held this turtle at school!  I was amazed because all last year she always refused to touch animals at preschool and at the Rye Nature Center.

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Blaine admiring his new hoodie.

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… and the new pajamas they picked out.

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I’ve never been happy with the results cooking a whole rack of lamb in the oven so I tried it out in the sous vide.  I was pretty impressed with the results, very even and perfectly cooked, though I’d try to get more of a crust during the searing next time.

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Sarah was invited to a birthday party at the Rock Club, a rock climbing gym in New Rochelle.  So we took a family outing there to see if we could get her warmed up for the party.  Both kids were hesitant but we eventually got them in a harness and climbing a little bit.  Andrew and I had fun, though!

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We had another snow day on 3/21, while Andrew was in India.  And this time we got some actual snow — 6 to 8 inches I’d guess.

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Here we are at the actual rock climbing birthday party, a huge affair for six birthday kids.  The hosts were kind enough to let Blaine tag along since Andrew was away.

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The highlight for Blaine was the magic show during pizza/cake.  He was dying laughing!

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After that we went to another party at a playground, and then on to swimming lessons.  Sarah was proud to wear goggles for the first time.

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The weekend was rounded out with a third birthday party (Blaine was invited to this one) on Sunday!  Phew.  We’ve all been getting over some rough colds, as well, so it was a pretty exhausting time.

The following week, Blaine’s Kindergarten classroom had a little party to share their reading and writing.  Blaine read us this book he wrote and illustrated, called “Bee and Toaster”.

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