Superbowl / Parenting Fail

Andrew was away in India on Superbowl Sunday so I decided to take the kids on what turned out to be an ill-advised outing.  First, we went to Shake Shack!  Yum!  Definitely a good idea.

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Then we went to the Hudson River Museum, which is where I got into trouble.  The kids had never been to a planetarium before, and we’d never been to this museum because it doesn’t open until 12.  Now that Sarah isn’t napping I wanted to give it a try, so we bought tickets to the 12:30 show which was supposed to be appropriate for kids.

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Sadly, the 12:30 show turned out to be the animated story of Perseus defeating Medusa, and a sea monster!  Blaine started screaming midway through and we had to leave.

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That night he couldn’t close his eyes without picturing the “sea monster” (due to bad animation it was simply a pair of sinister eyes emerging from a black underwater cave).  So eventually I brought him downstairs to watch the superbowl with me (YAY EAGLES) where he finally fell asleep.

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I would say “lesson learned” but I believe I should have learned this lesson two years ago when the lego movie frightened him at Legoland.  So maybe it’s a lesson I need to relearn every two years.