Thanksgiving 2017

We spent Thanksgiving in Great Falls with Gram and Grandad.  We drove down on Thanksgiving morning, and I stupidly dressed the kids in their nice clothes for the ride.  Sadly neither outfit survived the trip, as both kids got carsick.  Sigh.

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We got everyone cleaned up and changed once we arrived, and we were all in good spirits for the celebration.  We celebrated with Gram, Grandad, Aunt Jody, Cameron, Megan, and Marcella.  Blaine was very excited for the traditional smashing of the chocolate turkey after dinner.

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Sarah was excited to try a chocolate ginger cookie.  Followed by a butter cookie in the shape of a triceratops!  (Thanks, Gram!)

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Marcella looked very grown up trying on her mother’s heels.

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And all the cousins enjoyed playing bug bingo with Aunt Jody.

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The next day we relaxed at home with Gram and Grandad, played some piano, more bug bingo, and got outside to enjoy the beautiful weather.

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Gram’s shoes.  Sarah’s shoes.

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Blaine and Sarah were not quite sure what was happening with the breaking of the wishbone, but Grandad gave them some guidance.  We declared them both winners, if I recall correctly.

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On Saturday we drove home to NY, and successfully avoided traffic by take a long route through Maryland.  It ended up taking around seven hours all told (!) but we did get the most delicious crabcake sandwich I have ever had for lunch in Centreville, MD.

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Thank you to Gram and Grandad for hosting us, we had a wonderful time!