Halloween 2017

Our first pumpkin rotted after being gnawed on by some squirrels, so the kids and I ran out to buy a substitute the day before Halloween so that we could carve it.  Blaine wanted to carve it into a vampire!  The result ended up scaring the kids somewhat.

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Here’s Blaine with the pumpkins his class carved at school.

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Sarah had off from school on Halloween, so we met up with some of her friends at the Willow Park playground in the morning, and then we went to a Halloween party at the Larchmont library.

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Blaine got to take his costume to school that day for a Halloween parade at 2pm!

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After school the kids discovered that the Mr. Softee truck was giving away free vanilla soft serve.  As if we needed more sugar.

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Here are my two little firefighters with Blaine’s best friend from Kindergarten, who also decided to dress up as a firefighter!  So cute.

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We decided to walk over to the fire department to get a pic.  The doors were closed but Blaine went and peered in the window and got some firefighters to open up for him!

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They were so nice, and even gave the kids candy and glow necklaces.

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Back at home we had pizza for dinner, then got ready to do some trick-or-treating!

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We made it all the way to Vanderburgh (2 blocks!) this year before crossing the street and coming back on the other side.

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Happy Halloween, everyone!

Cranberry Lake Preserve

On Saturday, 10/28, we drove out to do a hike at Cranberry Lake.  Sarah was not thrilled about the outing at first, but she warmed up to it.  Blaine loved looking at the map with Daddy.  The leaves were beautiful!

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Post-nap we went over to Red Mango so the kids could spend some of their birthday money from Aunt Jane.

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Also, here are some random photos of Sarah enjoying challah.  She loved this mini-loaf that she braided herself at school, and refused to share it with anyone.

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First Kindergarten Field Trip

I got to chaperone Blaine’s first ever Kindergarten field trip on 10/18, to the Sheldrake River Trail.  The kids were most excited about getting the chance to ride a real yellow school bus!  I met the group at the trail and we took a lovely nature hike through the woods to look at trees, bark, leaves, turn over logs, listen for animals, and just enjoy being outside.

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Sarah’s Groovy Panda Birthday Party at Home

To complete our birthday festivities we hosted Sarah’s birthday party at home on Sunday, October 15.  We had a panda theme and also had a musical performance by Groove (so it was very similar to the party we threw last year!).

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For lunch we served pizza, followed by a delicious yellow cake with chocolate butter cream icing that Daddy had made.  In total this year, Daddy made one cake for Sarah’s birthday, several dozen cupcakes for Blaine’s party, and two more cakes for Sarah’s party.  Surprisingly we didn’t have that much left over, which shows how delicious it was.

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Then, of course, there was more present opening.

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Happy birthday, Sarah!

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Blaine’s Birthday Party at the Rye Nature Center

The weeklong birthday celebration continued on Saturday, October 14, with Blaine’s birthday party at the Rye Nature Center.  The kids loved the animal presentation featuring a turtle, bearded dragon, corn snake, and guinea pig.  They especially loved when the bearded dragon gobbled up some sort of worm/grub that our naturalist, Mary, offered it.

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From there we moved outside for an apple cidering demonstration.

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Then back inside for some healthy snacks, not pictured.  And then outside for cupcakes around the campfire.  I was so distracted I forgot to get any pictures, but here’s one that a friend was able to send me.

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Then the kids got to play on the playground until their parents came to pick them up.

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Everyone survived, and Blaine had such a good time!  Phew.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sarah!

We started off Sarah’s birthday celebration on October 10 with singing and mini-cupcakes at school.  I also brought in the book, “The Panda Who Went for a Spin” (by Gram) to read to the class.

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Late that day the kids were eager to help me ice the cake.

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Sarah enjoyed her birthday dinner of hot dogs, followed by birthday cake.

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Then it was time for presents!  Thank you to everyone who sent her a gift – she loved them all!

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Here she is in a delightfully ridiculous My Little Pony hoodie, courtesy of Uncle Tim.

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Columbus Day at Stepping Stones Museum

The kids had off from school on 10/9 for Columbus Day, and Sarah was still jealous of Blaine’s trip to the MoNH the previous day, so we decided to take a drive up to Norwalk to the Stepping Stones Museum for the morning.  The kids loved the water room, of course.

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Here’s what happens when I ask the kids to say “cheese”.  Blaine turns around for a quick cheese…

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… and then quickly turns back while Sarah finally gets out her own cheese.  Sigh.

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Blaine wanted to spend the rest of the day working on his new Lego fire boat set that he got for his birthday.  I figured it would take him several days, at least, but he was so focused he really wanted to keep going the entire afternoon.

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The boat was completed by the time Daddy got home.

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Happy 5th Birthday, Blaine!

We officially started the birthday festivities on 10/6, with Blaine’s birthday celebration at school.  We brought in mini-cupcakes and Blaine got to wear a crown all day!

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On Saturday, 10/7, Gram and Grand-dad came to visit!  Here’s Gram riding on a boat with Blaine and Sarah.

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The next day, 10/8, was Blaine’s actual birthday!  He’d requested chocolate ice cream in lieu of cake, so we broke out the ice cream maker.  Once we got it churning, Blaine got to go on a birthday trip to the Museum of Natural History with Daddy, Gram, and Grand-dad.

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Sarah was sad to miss the museum, but she got to lick the ice cream parts so that made up for it, somewhat.

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Gram and Grand-dad went back to VA after the museum (thanks for visiting!!), and Daddy and Blaine took the train back out to Larchmont.  Blaine was so excited he was old enough to need his own ticket.  The train conductor even punched it in the shape of a smiley face for him.

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After Sarah’s nap we sang to Blaine and he blew out the candle on his ice cream.  I think this may have been the best chocolate ice cream I’ve ever had, all thanks to Dana Cree and her book, “Hello, My Name is Ice Cream.”  Dana Cree was the pastry chef at a restaurant in Seattle we liked called Poppy.  I used to love to get the “caramel corn” sundae for dessert.  She moved on, and I was always so sad to never get that yummy sundae again.  So I was thrilled when I heard she’d written a book about making ice cream.  Mmmmmmm…

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After ice cream it was present time!  Blaine is working on thank you cards, but in the meantime thank you to everyone who sent him gifts!!

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Lastly we had Blaine’s favorite dinner, spaghetti and meatballs, before heading to bed.

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Happy birthday, Blaine!  I can’t believe that you are already five years old.

Apple picking

On 10/1 we drove to Outhouse Orchards in North Salem to go apple picking.  I believe it was a first for all of us!

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We rented this long pole with some metal teeth and a bag at the end of it to reach all the apples at the tops of the trees.  Andrew was a natural!

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We also managed to find a few that were low enough to be reached, at Blaine + Daddy height.

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Then we bought some homemade apple cider donuts, and some warm apple cider.  Yum!

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Unfortunately, the yellow jackets were really attracted by the cider, and one stung Andrew’s hand on the walk back to the car!