Jay Day

Andrew left for a trip to India on 9/23, and Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly drove back to PA early on 9/24, so I decided to take the kids to something called “Jay Day”.  It was a yearly event held at the John Jay Heritage Center in Rye.

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They had food trucks, balloon animals, pony rides, music, and even a children’s author doing a presentation and signing books.  Blaine was somewhat frightened by this woman on stilts who came by while we were eating our grilled cheese.

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Blaine got a sword (which it seemed like they were making for all the little boys) and the balloon guy made a neat little elephant for Sarah, inspired by the elephant on her shirt.

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We were also able to explore John Jay’s house.  The view was beautiful and the kids loved seeing an old dumb waiter.

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Then we had some ice cream and went home for a nap.

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