End of the Summer

We finally got the Precor moved out of the garage and up to the guest room so we can use it!  Blaine loved watching it being disassembled, moved up the narrow staircase, and then reassembled.

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On 8/30, I took the kids to the beach and it was completely empty!  It turned out to be a gorgeous day, though.

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Later that week we visited Blaine’s elementary school and checked out all the playgrounds.

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Blaine also got a new backpack and lunch bag!

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On Saturday, 9/2, we went to the beach for the annual clambake, though they ran out of clams by the time we were ready to eat so we ended up getting sushi takeout.  Labor Day was beautiful this year so we went back to the beach for the last day of the season.  Blaine has become a pro at catching hermit crabs.

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The beach was packed so we ended up eating lunch on a bench.

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Goodbye, beach!  We’ll see you next May!

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