Cape Cod

We spent a week on Cape Cod from Aug 19-26.  We drove down on Saturday morning and managed to avoid most traffic, stopping twice for a bathroom break and then to eat our sandwiches in Sandwich.  We arrived at our rental house in Eastham right on time around 3pm.  It was a cute cedar shingle house with 3 bedrooms, a screened porch, and a plunge pool on the deck.  After settling in we went out to see our local beach, named “Boat Meadow Beach” because during low tide the water is so low the boats are sitting right on the sand/grass.

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On Sunday morning we drove into Eastham to buy a weekly beach pass at Wiley Park, then we decided to try another beach on the bay side of the cape, called “First Encounter”.  It was pretty crowded, but we found a spot to settle, and then Blaine wanted to play up in the dunes.

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After the beach we went to the Friendly Fisherman, which we’d read has the best lobster rolls on the cape.  They were pretty good, but not the best that I had on the trip.

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Back at the house postnap, getting ready to have dinner on our porch.  Followed by ice cream.

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On Monday we decided to pay the $20 to park at the national seashore (the ocean side of the cape) and see “Coast Guard” beach.  The kids loved the shuttle bus we took from the parking lot out to the beach.  The beach itself was beautiful, huge, nice sand, clear water with some decent waves.  We even saw a group of five seals swimming in the water!  On the downside, there were some biting flies which were a nuisance, it was pretty crowded, and I found out later that the seals attract sharks!

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We’d already paid for parking so after Sarah’s nap we decided to check out the other beach on the national seashore, called “Nauset Light” beach, due to its proximity to the Nauset Lighthouse.  It looked beautiful, but we skipped the long flight of stairs down to the sand.

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Instead, we checked out the lighthouse.  We weren’t there at the right time for a tour, but it sure was picturesque.  Blaine figured out later that this is the lighthouse featured on the Cape Cod Potato Chips bag.

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That night we went to dinner at a restaurant in Orleans called the Rock Harbor Grill.  It was mixed – the lobster mac and cheese was good, and the poke was ok, but the woodfire pizza we ordered (which I think they are known for) was nothing special.

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Tuesday was a little cloudier and we decided to check out another bay beach, this time the one called “Campground”.  The water was a little rougher and it was windy and cool, which I always enjoy.  The beach itself is small, with a huge parking lot, so I can’t imagine how crowded it gets on a nice day during high tide.  At low tide you could walk in either direction but at high tide the water came up to the rocks.

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We gave the kids lunch on the beach and then went for ice cream before heading home for naptime.

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Here’s a pic from the next morning showing the neat screened in sitting porch, which we used every day.  It was so nice to be outside without worrying about bugs.

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On Wednesday we were scheduled to go on a whale watching trip (at Blaine’s suggestion) but the weather was supposed to be bad so we moved it to Friday.  Instead, we went to the Salt Pond Museum and saw natural artifacts, learned about whaling, that sort of thing.

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After that the weather was clearing so we drove up to Wellfleet to see a lookout at Marconi Station.

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Then we went mini-golfing!  Blaine had already experienced his first round of mini-golf with Daddy during Sarah’s nap one day earlier in the trip, but this was the first time for Sarah.  They were both pretty focused, surprisingly, though didn’t really follow the rules (unsurprisingly).

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After our round of golf we went into the restaurant, Arnold’s, for some casual dining.  I had my second lobster roll of the trip, as well as some oysters.  Andrew had a tasty fried clam dish.  We also got their famous super-thin onion rings, which Sarah wanted to wear like a bracelet.

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After Sarah’s nap we decided to head back out to Boat Meadow Beach before dinner.

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We had such a nice time that we decided to spend Thursday morning at Boat Meadow Beach.  It was so peaceful there, not crowded at all, and the water was calm for the kids to enjoy.

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Here’s a pic at low tide showing how much the water goes out.

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We even built our own sand boat in keeping with our surroundings.

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Now here’s another pic as the tide was coming in, showing those same three boats that had been on sand now floating in the water.

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Thursday night we went out for dinner again, this time to a small place called “Capt Cass” that was well reviewed for seafood.  I had – surprise! – another lobster roll, my third and favorite of the trip.  Andrew had the fried scallops and they were good, but he was surprised to not find more fresh local fish at the places we tried.

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On Friday we got up early to drive to Provincetown for our whale watching trip.  Blaine was so excited.  Sarah was less enthused and declared she would sit on my lap the entire time.

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I did not get any pictures of the whales we saw, but boy did we see whales.  I’ve been on whale watching trips before, in Hawaii and in the San Juan islands, and this far surpassed those trips.  We were so close to the whales, at one point a humpback came right up beside the boat, where we were sitting, and blew spray right up next to us.  It was amazing.

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Unfortunately, shortly after that majestic sighting, Blaine succumbed to his seasickness and wanted to sit down for the rest of the trip in the center of the boat.  So we missed much of the actual whale watching, but the watching we did was fantastic!  The trip was a bit long for the kids, so I don’t know that we’d attempt it again until they are older.  But I enjoyed it!  Sarah was glad to be back in Provincetown.

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We had lunch at a Portuguese Bakery we came upon and it was delicious.  I had the “extravaganza” sandwich which was egg, cheese, and linguica (portuguese sausage) on a portuguese roll.  It was great.  We also left with a box of desserts including their specialty fried sugared dough, a malasada.

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Both kids fell asleep on the car ride back from Provincetown, so that afternoon we went back out to Boat Meadow Beach one last time before cooking dinner.  Here’s Daddy making another sand boat, with a view of high tide behind him.

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The next morning we were up early to pack up and say goodbye to Cape Cod.  We had a wonderful trip and would definitely like to come back sometime.


Fall preparations

We took a trip to Costco on 8/16 and the kids talked me into buying them matching firefighter costumes for Halloween.  I have my fingers crossed that the outfits, and the kids’ interest, last that long.

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We also got the list of school supplies for Kindergarten.  The PTA works with a local store so you can just buy a box containing everything on the list, which I was very happy to do.  Blaine was excited to unpack everything and investigate how a three-ring binder works.

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Strangely, I just got Blaine’s teacher assignment and the letter includes a revised list of supplies which is significantly different than the one the PTA posted.  It stays not to worry if you already purchased the pre-made box, but still.  Sigh.

Going to the zoo zoo zoo

On 8/12, we had another cloudy day and decided to head to the zoo to check out the new Nature Trek exhibit that recently opened.  But first, we had some waffles!

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We started out at the Nature Trek exhibit, and Blaine enjoyed this rope walk through the trees.  Sarah and I bypassed most of it due to her size.  But she enjoyed the water pump and the animal footprints area.

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After that we headed over to the butterfly garden, which we’d never visited previously.  It was pretty neat, and the kids enjoyed this butterfly cutouts.  On the way we saw lions and giraffes.

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On the way out we stopped to see Sarah’s favorite, the red panda.

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End of camp for Blaine

Blaine’s camp came to an end the week after Sarah’s ended.  On Wednesday, 8/9, his camp put on a “Sing-a-long” where each age group performed a few songs for a large group of parents, grandparents, siblings, etc.  Blaine was so excited to sing his group’s songs.  The whole camp started with “It’s a Small World”.  When it came time for the 5s age group, they sang: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, and “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”.  Then the whole camp danced to a Justin Timberlake song, “Can’t Stop the Feeling”.  Blaine had a great time!  We took videos, but I will spare this blog’s readers.  In the pic below you may be able to spot Blaine standing in the back row, 11th from the left.  He’s wearing a blue shirt with white on top.

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Blaine’s last day of camp was Friday, 8/11.  After camp ended we went to Turtle Park for a picnic lunch with our friends, Sophie and Nicholas.

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Museum of Natural History

We had a cloudy weekend day on 8/5 and so decided to go into the city to visit the Museum of Natural History again.  We checked out one room about the Earth’s crust, but the kids were clearly most excited to get back to the dinosaur rooms.  We also saw a temporary exhibit about mummies, which was a tad scary, in Blaine’s opinion.  Then we walked over to Shake Shack and ate our lunch on a bench across the street, peeked at Daddy’s old apartment on 76th Street, and then headed home for Sarah’s nap.

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August already?

I’ve been puzzling over how to make an adjustable footrest for Blaine’s seat at our kitchen counter, and I finally came up with something!  It’s a pool noodle and some velcro tape.

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Whenever Sarah gets together with her friend Nicholas they end up doing something silly and giggling nonstop.

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The kids made a train out of the fresh direct boxes one day.

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