More July

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New shoes, in her favorite color (orange).

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A trip to the New Rochelle children’s library.

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Blaine taking a rest in the garden at Sarah’s school.

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A pic of Blaine during a swimming lesson with his instructor, Peter.

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Blaine has developed a taste for macarons, and I can’t say that I blame him.  Here he is celebrating Bastille Day.

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Happy Birthday, Mommy

I turned 37 on July 10.  The kids both had camp in the morning and Andrew took the day off from work so we went to the beach in the morning, sans kids.  It was wonderful.

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That night Andrew cooked a delicious birthday dinner with lamb, corn on the cob, and potatoes.  We enjoyed the meal outside on our new melamine dinner plates, with our new placemats (thanks, Mom!).  The kids were a little over excited to use the new battery-powered salt and pepper shakers they’d given me; I’m pretty sure every bite they took was over-seasoned.

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Then it was cake time!  Mmm.

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4th of July

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On July 4th we headed over to Flint Park in the morning for the Larchmont town races.  The kids chose not to participate, but I think Blaine regretted it and will want to join in next year.

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Here they are racing over to the pavilion for free hot dogs, though!

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After Sarah’s nap we went to Manor Beach for the festivities.  It was packed, so I was relieved when we ran into friends and sat with them.  It was so helpful to have additional eyes on the kids in such a crowded situation.

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The kids loved the music!  The kids were asleep before the fireworks started… maybe next year!

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How is it July already?  Andrew had to go on a trip to India the first week of July, sadly.  On 7/2, my friend Reece came out from Brooklyn to spend the morning with us at the beach.

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On Monday, 7/3, Blaine had his first day of camp!  He had a great time.  He also had a swim lesson that evening, so we picked up a pizza on the way home.

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I got this Marble Run toy for the kids, mostly because it’s a toy I loved as a child.

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