A brief trip to the city

Sarah loves trains so I decided to take the kids into the city on the train for the morning on Thursday, 6/29.  We waited for the first off peak train and got on with our giant stroller.  Surprisingly, all went smoothly!

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We planned to explore Grand Central and take it from there, maybe meet up with Daddy for lunch if he was free.  Here we are taking in the view from the giant Apple store on the balcony.

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We went by the whispering arch.

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Blaine spotted this vehicle and wanted a closer look.  Sure enough, it appears to be a mini firefighting vehicle.

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We decided to venture out into the city!  We walked west on 42nd street and stopped to take a look at the NY public library.

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Then when we made it to 6th Ave I gave the kids the choice of continuing over to see Times Square, or going to see Daddy’s office.  They chose the latter.  Andrew was really busy that day but he managed to steal enough time to have a delicious lunch with us, and then also showed us his office!  The kids enjoyed the giant whiteboard, and the snacks in the lunch room.

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We headed back to Grand Central for a train back to Larchmont but found that the New Haven line was experiencing extreme delays for some reason or other, and the terminal was packed with people waiting to get on a train.  They called the next train shortly after we arrived but we hung back given the crowds, and instead bought some cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery.  We got on the next train and managed to get the stroller on and get seats.  Phew!  Sarah fell asleep on the stroller ride home but managed to continue her nap after we arrived – what a champ!  Later, the kids enjoyed their cupcakes.

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Here’s one more pic from June — on Friday, Blaine and I went to the library while Sarah was at camp.

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