May 2017

Here are all the pictures from May! Sarah’s been really into pretending to drive cars lately.

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Kids helping me season the potatoes for dinner.

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Lunch at Stanz to give our cleaning people some space one Thursday in early May.

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We bought a new grill!  And outdoor dining furniture.  We’ve been enjoying all our meals outside, weather permitting.

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On 5/7 we were heading into the city for the DESCO summer party, and decided to make a day of it and go to the Bronx Zoo in the morning.  Here we are all ready to ride the monorail.

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The party was at Chelsea Piers and the kids loved these bouncy house things and the area where they could ride tricycles.

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At the Rye Nature center.

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Blaine finally got a bed frame!  His mattress is no longer just sitting right on the floor.

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I got out my long unused bike from the garage and pumped up the tires, and it seems to still be in fine shape.  Blaine wanted to go on a ride with me.  He decided he needed a break … two houses away from our house.

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Mother’s Day gifts and homemade chocolate pie.

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Another day at the Rye Nature Center!

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Sarah started eating her raisin bread into shapes – here she is telling me that she has created a house.  And then she ate the house.

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Another Thursday lunch out, this time at Auray gourmet.  The waffles and pancakes, and my salad, were all delicious.  And large.

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One weekend we went to the Marshlands Conservancy in Rye to go for a beautiful hike down by the water.  Sarah loved the little wood bridges.  We saw some wild turkeys and got an up close view of some deer.

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Then we went out to lunch at a BBQ place in Mamaroneck.

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Blaine slept late on the same day of the last class at the Rye Nature Center, so I decided he could skip school and come with us, instead.

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We got to see some turtle races, and Blaine got to touch a guinea pig (Sarah refused, as usual).

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Pizza at Little Nicky’s, watching for Daddy to get off the train.

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This cement truck was lost – it was supposed to be at 51 Wendt but ended up looking for 15 Wendt, instead, which does not exist.  The kids enjoyed seeing it.

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Shortly after this photo was taken the kids decided to change some stuffed animal’s diaper and got into a tub of Aquaphor… 😛

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On Memorial Day weekend the Manor Beach opened in Larchmont!  We were so excited we were there right on time when it opened.

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Thank you to Aunt Jane for sending all these fun and educational placemats!

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Another weekend day we drove over to Tarrytown to check construction progress on the new Tappan Zee Bridge.  And play at the riverfront playground, and have lunch.

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After lunch we went to the Costco in Port Chester and rode this awesome ramp escalator.

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The kids got another “snow giveback” day at school so we went over to the library to meet up with friends and we were fortunate to see the firefighters washing down the fire trucks.

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Our friends joined us for a takeout lunch back at our house.

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Happy May, everyone!

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