Spring Break in Virginia

We drove down to Virginia for the kids’ spring break from school.  First stop, Great Falls!

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Sunday turned into a beautiful sunny day so we took the kids to see Great Falls.

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Gram made a delicious pre-Easter brunch complete with a chocolate “Easter basket” cake.

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And Gram put together a wonderful Easter egg hunts for the kids!

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On Monday we drove down to Charlottesville to visit Great Grand-mom and Great Grand-dad.

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Blaine enjoyed this popcorn maker in our hotel lobby.

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We went out to Bizou for dinner on the downtown mall.

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The next day Great Grand-mom and Great Grand-dad hosted us for lunch at the Colonnades!  The kids loved the hot dogs and angel food cake they were served.

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And they enjoyed more french fries and ketchup at dinner that night at Citizen Burger (also outdoors, on the mall).

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The next day we drove back home to NY and we enjoyed this tollbooth at the rest stop where we had lunch.

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