Weekend in PA

We drove down to PA on Friday, 3/17, to spend the weekend with family and celebrate Josie’s Baptism on Sunday.  Friday night we had dinner with Mom-Mom, Aunt Molly, Aunt Jane, Uncle Tim, Aunt Liz, and Josie.  Blaine helped with the salad.

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On Saturday we got out the snowgear we’d brought and enjoyed the snow.

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We even did some sledding in the backyard – there’s not much of a slope, but it was enough given the icy surface on the snow.

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Uncle Tim, Aunt Liz, and Josie came back to hang out in the afternoon, and Uncle Fran and Alexis arrived from VA.

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Sarah was having so much fun with this play vacuum that I had to take another picture to say thank you again to Uncle Jim for finding it in that thrift shop!

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Aunt Molly helped Blaine get ready for bed.

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The next morning we went to center city for Josie’s Baptism.  Blaine wanted to get upstairs to see the organ but the organist had to run off to another mass.

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Sarah wore her panda suit for the occasion.

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Then we all walked over to the luncheon at the Little Lion.

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We drove back to NY on Monday morning, and we were so happy to see Daddy, who was back from his week in India.  Sarah loved this camel he brought her.

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And Blaine got his first real legos (not duplos) – a fire engine set.  We were expecting this project to last for a few days, at least, but Blaine was so focused he finished it that afternoon.  Mommy and Daddy helped with following the instructions and choosing the right pieces, but he attached every piece himself!  We were pretty impressed at his attention span.

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