Larchmont Day

Larchmont celebrated its 125th Anniversary with a host of events… the grand reopening of the main library (complete with ribbon cutting and giant scissors!), the big truck day, food, contests, music, and an artist fair.

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The next day we drove over to Hastings on Hudson for a walk along the river.


And here’s a last one from September of Blaine modeling his new favorite firetruck shirt and pants that Kathryn gave him.


Back to School

Sarah was so excited on the day her new backpack arrived.

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On 9/14 Blaine had his first day of preschool in the 4s class.  Sarah wasn’t starting school for another week but she wanted to wear her backpack anyway.

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The start of school also seemed to be the start of birthday party season – Blaine had two in the first weekend after school started, and he was invited to two more in October (not including his own).

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Here’s Sarah on her first day of preschool (ever!) on 9/20.  She was eased into it, with only half the class for half the time that first week.  That meant we were going in late the first day, which explains why Blaine is not in these pics.

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Sarah’s only in school two mornings per week, which still leaves plenty of playground time.


We’ve started going to the Rye Nature Center “Mommy and Me” class on Monday mornings with some friends.

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We also started doing Wednesday playdates with the kids from Sarah’s class.


And on Fridays we’re doing music class again.  No new pics of that, so here’s one of Sarah.


And, lastly, one of the kids doing a great job helping me de-stem the spinach for dinner.


First half of September

We had some time to fill in September without the beach to keep us occupied.


So, we went on some outings to the Rye Nature Center and the Bronx Zoo.  Here are the kids checking out a lizard at the Rye Nature Center, with a beehive in the background.


Afterwards we had lunch at Au Bon Pain in Rye.


A Mr. Softee sighting!


You might think from this pic that Sarah’s excited about eating yet another chocolate ice cream cone, but in fact it’s a chicken leg!  Her new favorite part of the chicken.


We also went back to the Bronx Zoo and checked out the Children’s Zoo.  Sarah got a close-up view of some prairie dogs.

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Blaine got a huge kick out of feeding this alpaca.

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Both kids loved these working water pumps which pumped water into a trough for a donkey.

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And, of course, we also spent lots of time on the mundane, like grocery shopping.
