July Roundup

Some extra pics from July!  Sarah loves the glasses from our doctor’s set.

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Sarah started trying to get herself dressed in the morning.  Here she is proudly showing off the first day she put her pants on (we ignored the fact that the tiger is supposed to be on the other side).

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Gram and Grand-dad visit

We had a lovely visit from Gram and Grand-dad on the weekend of July 23-24.  We spent some time at the beach (and we were all impressed by Gram’s swimming skills!), read a lot of books, and ate some delicious food.

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Mom-Mom’s 70th

I made the solo trip down to PA to celebrate Mom-Mom’s 70th birthday this year!  It was a quick trip, but a very happy occasion with good food and family.  The kids sent their love (and a giant birthday sign).

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Blaine started summer camp on July 5 (he loved it!) so that meant Sarah and I got to spend some Quality Time together in the mornings.  Here we are at the beach.


One day we did a class at “My Gym” in Larchmont.  I didn’t like it as much as the Little Gym place we took Blaine in Seattle.

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The highlight of camp for Blaine was the day the fire department visited.  We were a bit late dropping off that day, so Sarah and I hung out for a few minutes to see the fire truck.

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We also spent a lot of mornings at the local playgrounds.  Here’s Sarah with her friend Austin (little brother to a girl who was in Blaine’s preschool class).


And with Austin again, this time at the beach in Mamaroneck.


Happy Birthday, Mommy

I had the best 36th birthday… we spent the morning at the beach and had lunch, and then Andrew took the kids home for showers and nap/cake-making and I got to stay on and enjoy sitting on the beach reading!  I enjoyed the walk home and then a delicious dinner, cake, and presents.  This was a birthday to remember.

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4th of July

On July 3rd we enjoyed a lovely afternoon with Nellie, who was visiting NY from Oregon.  We spent some time at Manor Park and then had dinner back at the house with Reece.


On July 4th we all dressed in our red white and blue and spent the morning in Flint park, watching the races and eating hot dogs.

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Blaine was very interested in an old payphone we found.

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After Sarah’s nap we headed to the beach for the 4th of July BBQ, but we decided to skip the fireworks to get everyone in bed at the regular time.
