June Roundup

A few more pics from June that didn’t fit into other posts.  Here’s how Sarah likes to be arranged when she goes to sleep.

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The kids enjoying some watermelon on the patio:

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Blaine on a train.


On June 20, we decided to revisit the nature walk at Flint Park.  This time we went a little further and got to some pretty secluded areas with boardwalks.  We even saw a white water bird I believe was an egret.

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We saw the fire department washing down one of their trucks.


The kids snuggling in Blaine’s bed.


Sarah in a new pink sunhat that our babysitter, Kathryn, brought her from San Diego.


Music classes

We wrapped up our various music classes in June (since Blaine was scheduled for morning camp starting in July).  The kids got to try out playing the trombone (!), electric guitar, and a drumset.

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Greenburgh Nature Center

On June 27, the kids and I went to the Greenburgh Nature Center in Scarsdale.  We started out in the “live animal exhibit” and the kind employee showed the kids a chinchilla, a ferret, and a corn snake (Blaine’s choice).  We also saw turtles, frogs, and other small critters.  Then we headed outside to see some farm animals, some birds of prey including two bald eagles, and we walked through the butterfly exhibit.

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Aunt Molly turns 30

Aunt Molly turned 30 on June 19, so we went down to Wynnewood for her big party on June 18.  Here are the kids making a giant birthday sign for the occasion:

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Aunt Molly loved it!

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We arrived on Friday and enjoyed some QT with the family.

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Saturday was the big party, complete with pinata (of course).  Happy birthday, Aunt Molly!



Manor Park Beach

We’ve been loving spending time at the Manor Park Beach so far this summer.  It’s perfect for the kids with the calm shallow water and small enclosed beach.  We’ve been trying to make it every weekend and I’m taking the kids as much as I can on weekdays, too.

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More time at home

I’ve been looking for more ways to entertain Blaine at home during Sarah’s naptime so here he is with the beginner’s “snap circuits” kit and a 48 piece puzzle.

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The kids are really starting to enjoy their playtime together, though.


Last day of school

Blaine’s last day of preschool was June 1.

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Here he was on his first day back in November (right after we moved):


The next day two of Blaine’s classmates had a joint birthday party at a playground.

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And on Friday, June 3, we went out to lunch to celebrate the end of the school year.  Here’s Blaine wishing Daddy were with us:

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