More May

Some more random photos from May that don’t warrant their own posts.  Here’s a video of Sarah requesting the book, “Dragons Love Tacos” (I believe thanks go to Great Grand-Mom and Great Grand-Dad for this one).

We’ve gotten in the habit of sitting on the bench in front of the library before or after our music class, enjoying a croissant and staring at the fire station.

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We also found that Blaine’s enrollment in the Monday music class entitles us to attend any “family time” sessions, so we’ve been going on rainy Tuesdays.  The neat thing about this class is that the kids get to handle real musical instruments (such as the violin, below).

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Our other big news this month is that we lined up a regular babysitter for the summer for Tuesday afternoons and Thursday afternoon/evenings.  Blaine loves her so much he has already proposed marriage.  I love having time to run errands sans kids, and that Andrew and I can have regular dinners out.  Here’s a “campfire” shake, a delicious mistake I had for dessert.


Here’s another healthy meal at Walter’s hot dog stand (both kids ate their first hot dogs).


On 5/22 we went to a “wet down” event at the fire station to christen a new vehicle.

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Then in the afternoon Blaine and I went to his classmate’s birthday part at “Bounce U”.  Blaine climbed all the way up this bouncy slide, took one look, and decided to climb back down.  He was pretty brave on some of the other bouncy houses, though, especially since it was a joint party for brothers turning 4 and 7.
