The first half of May

Here are a bunch of photos from the first half of May.


We went to the Westchester Children’s Museum on 5/1 at Rye Playland.  Only a few of the planned exhibits are open, but we stilll had a good time with this wind tunnel thing, the toddler “beach” play area below, and a build-your-own roller coaster area.

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We also had fun with play-dough on some rainy days.  I was particularly impressed that Blaine seems to have picked up some knife skills from watching Andrew and me (video below).  I didn’t learn to hold the knife that way until we took a class when I was 30!



Our friendly neighborhood fishmonger at Fjord introduced Blaine and Sarah to this giant lobster named Larry.

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We also spent a lot of time at the local playgrounds getting ready for the summer by spending all our time in the sandboxes.


Followed by lots of baths, of course.

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Blaine and Sarah got these cute matching train conductors’ bandanas from Great Grand-Mom and Great Grand-Dad.  Thank you!

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Blaine still loves to help in the kitchen – here he is rinsing the kale.


Lastly, here’s a video to document Sarah’s current love of green beans (just like her Daddy).