Even More May

I am so behind!  Here are the other pics from May!


We got a bunk bed!  The ladder is currently not attached.


Our town beach opened for Memorial Day weekend.

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More May

Some more random photos from May that don’t warrant their own posts.  Here’s a video of Sarah requesting the book, “Dragons Love Tacos” (I believe thanks go to Great Grand-Mom and Great Grand-Dad for this one).

We’ve gotten in the habit of sitting on the bench in front of the library before or after our music class, enjoying a croissant and staring at the fire station.

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We also found that Blaine’s enrollment in the Monday music class entitles us to attend any “family time” sessions, so we’ve been going on rainy Tuesdays.  The neat thing about this class is that the kids get to handle real musical instruments (such as the violin, below).

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Our other big news this month is that we lined up a regular babysitter for the summer for Tuesday afternoons and Thursday afternoon/evenings.  Blaine loves her so much he has already proposed marriage.  I love having time to run errands sans kids, and that Andrew and I can have regular dinners out.  Here’s a “campfire” shake, a delicious mistake I had for dessert.


Here’s another healthy meal at Walter’s hot dog stand (both kids ate their first hot dogs).


On 5/22 we went to a “wet down” event at the fire station to christen a new vehicle.

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Then in the afternoon Blaine and I went to his classmate’s birthday part at “Bounce U”.  Blaine climbed all the way up this bouncy slide, took one look, and decided to climb back down.  He was pretty brave on some of the other bouncy houses, though, especially since it was a joint party for brothers turning 4 and 7.


Mom-mom and Aunt Molly visit

Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly came for a brief visit in between Molly’s swim meet (she competed in the butterfly for the first time) and softball on Sunday morning.  We all had a great time!  On Saturday morning (5/14) we went to the playground and then Mom-Mom took us out to lunch at Polpettina in Larchmont.

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In the afternoon we hung out on the back patio and the kids tried out our new beach chairs.

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Thanks for visiting!  Can’t wait to see you again soon.

The first half of May

Here are a bunch of photos from the first half of May.


We went to the Westchester Children’s Museum on 5/1 at Rye Playland.  Only a few of the planned exhibits are open, but we stilll had a good time with this wind tunnel thing, the toddler “beach” play area below, and a build-your-own roller coaster area.

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We also had fun with play-dough on some rainy days.  I was particularly impressed that Blaine seems to have picked up some knife skills from watching Andrew and me (video below).  I didn’t learn to hold the knife that way until we took a class when I was 30!



Our friendly neighborhood fishmonger at Fjord introduced Blaine and Sarah to this giant lobster named Larry.

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We also spent a lot of time at the local playgrounds getting ready for the summer by spending all our time in the sandboxes.


Followed by lots of baths, of course.

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Blaine and Sarah got these cute matching train conductors’ bandanas from Great Grand-Mom and Great Grand-Dad.  Thank you!

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Blaine still loves to help in the kitchen – here he is rinsing the kale.


Lastly, here’s a video to document Sarah’s current love of green beans (just like her Daddy).

Larchmont Fire Department

We started a new music class for Blaine only on Monday mornings, which takes us in the direction of Boston Post Road.  One Monday after class we decided to walk over to look at the Larchmont Fire Department, and Firefighter Chris decided to be kind to Blaine and let him sit in the truck and gave him a hat!  I think he would have even run the siren for us, but Blaine decided against it.

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On the way back we looked in the window of this vacuum cleaner store (almost as exciting as fire trucks).


Stepping Stones Museum

On 5/7 we went to the Stepping Stones Children’s Museum in Norwalk, CT.  They had lots of different play areas, but the highlight was a giant water play room (not pictured, for obvious reasons).  This place was awesome, too bad it’s a 30-40 minute drive.

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