Uncle Fran and Alexis visit

Uncle Fran and Alexis were in town and stayed with us on 4/20-21.  On Thursday we went to the Bronx zoo and got to see the lions, tigers and (polar) bear, oh my.

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We were all so exhausted we crashed on the couch when we got home, and some of us took naps.


Friday morning we went to the playground and then said goodbye to Uncle Fran and Alexis, who were headed on to Long Island.  It was so nice to see you guys, thanks for visiting!

American Museum of Natural History

On 4/10, we took the kids on their first trip into the city to the Museum of Natural History.  We got there right when it opened and headed straight for the dinosaur bones.  We even saw the titanosaur, though Blaine was most interested in the logistics of how they got the dinosaurs into the building.  We had lunch and then I drove Sarah home and Andrew and Blaine stayed on longer and took the train home.  A good time was had by all!

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Maritime Aquarium

The kids and I went to the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, CT, on 4/5.  Apparently, it’s the top aquarium in New England!  Sorry, Boston.  We loved the sea turtles:

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Blaine got to touch some crabs and starfish:


And we saw the seals being fed:

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Here’s Blaine in the meerkat display.


Happy Birthday, Daddy

Here’s Blaine working on Daddy’s birthday card leading up to the big day.  Blaine got really into cutting up bits of paper with his safety scissors, so we ended up doing a confetti thing.

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We also baked a cake!

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And there were presents, of course.

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