Spring Break Part 1: Charlottesville

We spent the week of 3/20-25 on a road trip through Virginia.  On 3/20 we drove from NY to Charlottesville to visit Great Grand-mom and Great Grand-dad.  Then on 3/22 we drove to Great Falls to spend a few nights with Gram and Grand-dad.  We all had a wonderful time!  Here are the pics from the first leg of the trip.  We stopped at a neat rest area for lunch on 3/20 that had a perfect kids’ area.  Sarah did not nap well in the car, so her mood went downhill rapidly after this photo.


That night we walked around Charlottesville before dinner and checked out this fun chalk wall.

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On 3/21 we had a yummy lunch at a place called “feast” and then visited Great Grand-mom and Great Grand-dad for a few hours.

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Sarah was thrilled to have this entire bowl of goldfish!


Blaine took advantage of Wendy’s kindness and got to ride around on this walker.

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Sarah was up early both mornings so we found ourselves hanging out in the lobby of our hotel so Blaine could sleep later.  The hotel was a big hit — Blaine still talks about taking the elevator to the 6th floor.


On 3/22 we spent a few more hours visiting with Great Grand-dad and Great Grand-mom.  We enjoyed looking at maps, playing with their toy trains and animals, and reading books.

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We all had a wonderful time seeing Great Grand-mom and Great Grand-dad — thanks for having us!