
Blaine’s Thanksgiving “feast” at preschool.IMG_20151123_143937


We made this turkey centerpiece while Sarah was napping one day.IMG_20151123_122447

We ended up in PA for Thanksgiving this year, due to Doc’s declining health.  Here we are for Thanksgiving dinner, grateful to be surrounded by family (Aunt Liz, Moira, Aunt Molly, Clare, Uncle Hank, Mom-Mom, Sarah, Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Jean.  Not pictured were Uncle Tim, Aunt Jane, and Uncle Peter). thanksgiving

A cold day at the Narberth playground:IMG_20151130_135151 IMG_20151130_135335

I believe I took this picture to commemorate the fact that Sarah really started walking this week.  She took her first steps on Monday, the 23rd (I remember because we had a friend over for dinner and I was excited to share the news).  By Thanksgiving she was taking more cautious steps in Wynnewood.IMG_20151127_084410 IMG_20151127_084443

On November 28, we said goodbye to Doc after his long battle with cancer.  I’m so grateful that Blaine and Sarah got to meet him and experience his love, humor, and strength; I only wish they’d had more time with him.  They might not remember much of their time with Doc, but we’ll be sure to tell them stories to keep his memory alive.
