
Blaine’s Thanksgiving “feast” at preschool.IMG_20151123_143937


We made this turkey centerpiece while Sarah was napping one day.IMG_20151123_122447

We ended up in PA for Thanksgiving this year, due to Doc’s declining health.  Here we are for Thanksgiving dinner, grateful to be surrounded by family (Aunt Liz, Moira, Aunt Molly, Clare, Uncle Hank, Mom-Mom, Sarah, Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Jean.  Not pictured were Uncle Tim, Aunt Jane, and Uncle Peter). thanksgiving

A cold day at the Narberth playground:IMG_20151130_135151 IMG_20151130_135335

I believe I took this picture to commemorate the fact that Sarah really started walking this week.  She took her first steps on Monday, the 23rd (I remember because we had a friend over for dinner and I was excited to share the news).  By Thanksgiving she was taking more cautious steps in Wynnewood.IMG_20151127_084410 IMG_20151127_084443

On November 28, we said goodbye to Doc after his long battle with cancer.  I’m so grateful that Blaine and Sarah got to meet him and experience his love, humor, and strength; I only wish they’d had more time with him.  They might not remember much of their time with Doc, but we’ll be sure to tell them stories to keep his memory alive.


November Roundup

Blaine’s first day of preschool:IMG_20151116_122305

At our neighborhood playground there is a fire truck play structure with two steering wheels!  What could be better?IMG_20151117_132115 IMG_20151117_133446

Happy birthday sign for Uncle Tim!IMG_20151117_170227 IMG_20151117_172222

Uncle Jim found this awesome toy vacuum cleaner for Blaine.IMG_20151118_151446

Making waffles in our fancy new kitchen.IMG_20151122_081251

Making a birthday sign for Doc.IMG_9947 IMG_9954

The magical day a backhoe parked in front of our house.IMG_20151124_135349

Testing the cookies we made to take with us on our Thanksgiving travels.IMG_20151125_142623

Quick trip to PA

We made a quick trip down to PA on the 12th to visit my Dad in the hospital.  Here are a few pics of the kids hanging out with Mom-mom and the rest of the Mahoney crew at Ingeborg Road.

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Hello, Larchmont

We arrived in NY early on 11/11 and headed straight for our new home in Larchmont, NY.  I’d only seen pictures, so I am happy to report the the house more than lived up to my expectations.


View from the family room/kitchen through the living room.


Our first dinner in our new home.

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Luckily, our new king mattress arrived on schedule so we had a comfy place to sleep after a long couple of days.


Goodbye, Seattle

Our last day in Seattle was November 10, so here are all the photos I took leading up to the big move.  Sarah with her new doll from Gram:


Sarah was really into pushing Blaine around on the motorcycle:


Goodbye, Angelica.


Goodbye, Mutual Fish.  We’ll miss you, uni.IMG_20151105_121146 IMG_20151105_121301

We squeezed in Sarah’s first visit to the dentist.


Blaine’s last Little Gym class with his friend Lucy.


A last meal out with our PEPS group.

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On our packing day on 11/9, the movers accidentally packed up Sarah’s white noise machine.  So I finally had an excuse to try out Amazon Prime Now, which worked great.  I had a replacement white noise machine in hand in no time.


Last dinner at home, surrounded by boxes.


The next day, 11/10, the movers were back to load everything onto the truck.  Here’s Sarah in the empty house.


Daddy arrived back mid-day after a rough roundtrip to NY to close on the new house.  We had a final lunch at Volunteer Park Cafe to gear up for our red-eye back to NY that night.


Goodbye, Seattle!  We’ll miss you.
