Uncle Tim and Aunt Liz get married

We were in Philadelphia for the week leading up to Uncle Tim and Aunt Liz’s big wedding day on September 19!  Here are all the pics.  Sarah cried and whined for much of the flight out there… I had to bribe her with crackers to get her to be quiet.


Both kids were thrilled to arrive!  Here they are sledding in the backyard, sans snow.

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Blaine was obsessed with using the hose; he may have overwatered.


Sarah enjoyed this water toy on the patio.


More outdoor play, this time at a playground with Mom-Mom.


We also went over to my cousin Maureen’s house one day to play with Maren and Rafe.  Maureen also very kindly offered to watch the kids during the actual wedding festivities – thank you SO MUCH again, Maureen!


Blaine and Mom-Mom enjoying some delicious salmon.


Tara quickly learned that the best place to be was below Sarah’s chair.


We found out later that Sarah was working on three new teeth during this visit, so that explains some of her moodiness.  Mom-mom was always able to calm her, though.


Blaine had an awesome time playing with Aunt Jane.  Here are a few pics from the animal shelter they built in the living room, housing all the sad, abandoned animals from all over the house.

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Friday night was the rehearsal dinner at the Old Bar, and it was delicious!  Here’s a pack of Mahoneys.


Doc giving an excellent welcome toast.


Aunt Molly had so much fun she fell asleep in her seat.


Saturday was the wedding, and I’m sad to say I neglected to take many pictures!  I was so focused on getting the kids through the ceremony and not messing up my reading that I did not get any pics!  I do have this one of Sarah with my cousin Clare.


And, I am borrowing this one from my Uncle Walt, since it’s the only one I have of our family!  I wish I had taken some more of Blaine looking so adorable in his little outfit.

Sally Ann & Family

The ceremony was beautiful (and so efficient!) and the reception was a blast, particularly since we didn’t have the little ones in tow (thanks again, Maureen!).  We had such a good time.  After the reception we did a walk-by of the College of Physicians to reminisce about our own wedding, 5 years ago.

The flight back to Seattle on Monday went more smoothly than the flight out, and Sarah even managed to sleep for a few hours.


Congratulations to Uncle Tim and Aunt Liz!  We’re so happy for you both.  Sorry I don’t have more pics of you two, so I am swiping this one from Facebook to show off the happy couple.


Sarah is eleven months old

I am SO behind on these posts, it’s now 10/16 and I’m just posting about Sarah turning eleven months old, back on 9/10.  As I recall, at eleven months Sarah was getting a lot more mobile and was just starting to cruise while standing.  She also started eating a lot more solid foods.  She’s got a definite taste for salty food, she loves these round (Ritz-like) crackers, it was the only way I could get her smiling for the photos.  She started to assert herself more when playing with Blaine, so now they both cry and whine over the same toys.  Though on occasion they’ll play side by side, which is adorable.

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