Sarah is ten months old

Sarah was 10 months old on 8/10.  She now has four teeth and is making the most of them on a wide variety of solid foods, though it’s still unclear how much she’s actually eating.  I was pretty sure she said “ma” at one point, but it hasn’t been repeated so perhaps I dreamed it.  She’s working on nonverbal communication… she recently mastered pointing at things, and she’ll gesture elaborately to get me to put some music on (bopping up and down, pointing at the Sonos, clapping her hands).  She’s also getting more dramatic and will cry and whine to get attention when she’s not happy (e.g. when I turn the music off).  She’s crawling pretty quickly now and loves to be chased, and she squeals with delight when she knows she’s getting into something that’s off limits (cords, fans, Blaine’s potty).  She’s started pushing up to standing on low objects like the bottom step and Blaine’s blue chair.  She hates when I am out of her sight, and she gets very jealous when I’m holding Blaine instead of her.  But she is also fascinated by whatever Blaine is doing and wants to get in on the action, and I’m pretty sure her “ba ba” refers to Blaine.

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Month by month series: