June Roundup

A few other photos from June.  Nellie and DH joined us for dinner on 6/22.


Daddy took Blaine to a fire station open house on 6/27 – here’s Blaine in the fire truck!


Sarah’s first time in a swing.


Sarah was not sure what to make of her first taste of baba ghanoush.


One final trip to the zoo before our membership expired.  We saw the brown bears and some playful otters.

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Cuddly Sarah.


Sarah also started moving a bit in June, though primarily backwards.

Sarah and the tapir


Our zoo membership is expiring June 30, so Sarah and I went to the zoo on 6/25 for a very brief visit in between naps.  Most of the animals were sleeping but we had a nice view of the tapirs.  Sarah was fascinated.  We also got to see the hippos swimming around.


Happy Father’s Day

We started Father’s Day off with some delicious buttermilk waffles and bacon.  Blaine was very helpful in pouring out the measured ingredients, whisking them together, cracking the eggs, and (of course), testing the waffles.  He decided they were just right.IMG_2909

Our maple syrup was frothing mysteriously, so Daddy made an emergency run to the QFC for more syrup.


Sarah was eager to get her hands on the waffles so we let her have some of her own.

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Blaine also decorated this cookie monster card for Daddy.



Blaine loves his new fireman helmet!IMG_20150618_1723116_rewind IMG_20150621_1526572_rewind

He also likes wearing it backwards sometimes.


Not sure what is going on here.


Blaine enjoying a muffin in the park.


Sarah enjoying the grass.


We finally got both kids into the double stroller this month.  It’s a good thing Daddy’s so strong.

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Show Week at the Little Gym

This morning the whole family went to Blaine’s Little Gym class for show week.  I was so impressed to see how Blaine has improved on all his skills over the last few months!

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Here he is during the awards ceremony, receiving his first ribbon:


And he was first in line for the hand stamping at the end.


Everyone’s been saying how Blaine’s been growing, so we measured him today, as well.  He’s up to 35.5 inches, from 33.75 in January!  Here are a few extra pics of Blaine, pondering something to do with firefighters, no doubt (he’s pretty obsessed right now).

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I also love this one of Blaine with his trumpet, just like Daddy.


Sarah is eight months old

Our little peanut is eight months old.  She loves bopping along to music, blowing raspberries, and dogs (she shrieks with joy whenever she spots one).  She’s not yet crawling but she can inch around on her belly if she’s in the mood.  She likes standing up but has developed a fondness for “trust falls” and loves to throw herself back into my arms  as soon as she’s upright.  She has two bottom teeth but we suspect there are more coming given her recent grouchiness and drooling.  Otherwise, she’s a joyful and sweet little baby.


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Here’s the month by month series:

New tricks

Here are a few videos of Sarah showing off some new tricks.  First, peekaboo (video from 6/2):

Next, saying hello (6/8).  Sarah waves at everyone she sees now:

Really, she goes through all her new tricks in rapid succession at every opportunity, like so (6/10):