Sarah’s first solid food

In mid-May we started giving Sarah a sippy cup to play with and she seemed to figure it out pretty quickly.

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On May 14, we gave her some solid food for the first time!  Pureed carrots, to be precise.  Sarah seemed interested, perplexed, and in the end just wanted to get her hands on the spoon.

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We’ve tried a few other foods but so far she just doesn’t seem that interested, so we’re not pushing it.

Sarah is seven months old & Happy Mother’s Day!


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Sarah turned seven months old on Mother’s Day this year!  Here’s the first shot of the day… Sarah was up early and not very happy about the teeth poking through her gums.


But we still had a great day!  Daddy made a delicious breakfast of frittata, waffles, and bacon.  I forgot to take pics, but did snag this one of the boys cleaning up!


I feel so lucky to have these two little ones.


Oh and for completeness, here’s the month by month series for Sarah:

Sarah’s first tooth

Sarah’s first tooth (bottom right) broke through on Friday, March 8!  She was not very happy about it, and she’s not that excited about tooth #2 which is on the way… poor baby.


Here are a few more pics of Sarah enjoying some musical instruments from Blaine’s band set.

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Happy Birthday, Aunt Jody!

Happy (belated) birthday, Aunt Jody!  Sorry for not getting these pics up sooner… we were thinking of you on your birthday, though, as we flew back to the west coast!  We hope you had a wonderful day and that we get to see you again soon.

Love, Blaine, Sarah, Andrew, and Sally

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VA Visit

We drove from PA to VA on 4/30 to see Gram and Grand-dad!


Almost immediately after we arrived Blaine wanted to check out the new playground:

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Gram brought some treats back from Europe for us, including a t-shirt and towel for Blaine that expanded in water:

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On Friday, Blaine helped Gram make some delicious pancakes for breakfast.


Blaine, Daddy, Gram, and Grand-dad took a morning trip to the Air and Space Museum, while Sarah and I stayed home.  Sarah enjoyed her new mouse booties from Gram:

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And she also got to play a piano for the very first time:

That night we had drinks out on the deck:


On Saturday, Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael joined us for brunch:

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Sarah loved playing with this toy that her great-grandfather Cecil made:


Blaine also loved helping Gram in the garden:

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Here’s a pic from one of the delicious dinners that Gram prepared:

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We were all sad to leave on Sunday morning:

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Though Blaine enjoyed the sights at the airport:


And Sarah enjoyed this plastic cup on the airplane.


The kids were exhausted by the time we got off the plane and both were asleep in their carseats when we arrived home.


Thanks to Gram and Grand-dad for a wonderful visit!  We had a great time and appreciate all your help with Blaine and Sarah.