Trip to PA

We flew from SEA to PHL on Saturday, 4/25. Blaine and Sarah were both very well behaved on the flight, and Sarah even took a 2+ hr nap!


Sarah and Uncle Tim:

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Sarah and Uncle Fran:


Uncle Fran, Mom-mom, and Blaine at the Narberth playground on Tuesday.


Sarah got to meet Great Uncle Peter:


And spent lots of QT with Mom-mom:


She even got to meet her first cousins once removed — my cousin Maureen and her kids, Maren (6) and Rafe (4).  Blaine was in awe of Maren, who did a great job keeping an eye on him.

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Blaine had an awesome time hanging out with Uncle Fran — here they are watering all the plants for Mom-mom.


Blaine also had a blast with Great Aunt Jane – here they are rescuing a sad-looking hydrangea.


Riding a scooter:


And arranging some flowers inside:


Sarah also got some bonding time with Doc:

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We had such a great time with all the Mahoneys!  Thanks again for all the help with the kiddos!  I’m not sure how I missed getting any pics of Aunt Molly with the kids, but here’s one of her solo:


April Roundup

Some pics of Blaine on the big kid playground at daycare:



Helping to water our new little herb garden that we assembled for Daddy’s birthday:


Sarah gnawing on a bit of delicious fresh asparagus:


Blaine at the sandbox – still with perfect squatting form:


Sarah’s first time out in the grass… was not a big hit:


We’re trying to get her more used to it so she doesn’t object for as long as Blaine did.

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Lastly, here’s a video of Blaine eating some spaghetti:

Sarah is six months old, Blaine is two and a half


Sarah reached the half year mark on April 10!  At her physical she weighed in at 19 lbs 4 oz (92%).  Her main focus is on getting everything into her mouth; current favorites include napkin rings, her feet, and Mommy’s glasses.  She’s very vocal and enjoys making high-pitched screeching sounds and blowing bubbles.  She still hates tummy time and seems to have little interest in rolling over, but she’s making great progress sitting up.  She also loves stomping her feet and kicking water in the tub, kisses on her belly and ceiling fans.  She’s sleeping pretty well except when she’s sick, which seems to be pretty frequent with all the germs going around.  She’s fascinated by her older brother and gets upset when he is upset.  She despises getting dressed, but shows an extraordinary talent for peeing at exactly the wrong moment, requiring many outfit changes.  Strangers are always complimenting her blue eyes and her giant cheeks, and she’ll generally give them an adorable gummy smile in return (no teeth yet).

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Here’s the month by month series:

Blaine turned two and a half years old on April 8!  He was very excited because it means he can go on the “big kid” playground at daycare, where he gets to ride a pedal-less tricycle.  At 2.5, Blaine has a surprisingly large vocabulary which keeps growing each day, and he now helps read his bedtime stories by filling in the end of most sentences.  He’s started refusing his mid-day nap far too frequently, which no one is happy about.  He has started occasionally eating his veggies again, but still prefers raisins, fruit, and anything sweet.  He loves pretending he is a pilot, bus driver, trolley driver, fireman (and any other role which involves driving a vehicle), cleaning supplies, mowing the lawn, and cooking.

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Happy Easter

On Saturday, Blaine and I went to the Volunteer Park egg hunt (Daddy stayed home with a napping Sarah):


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Blaine was VERY excited to meet the Easter Bunny, but then decided the bunny was a little scary when I tried to take a picture (and I can’t say I blame him).


Despite the creepiness factor, Blaine was kind of obsessed with the big guy and wanted to follow him around the party afterward.  Blaine was pretty bummed when the Easter Bunny left to go home.


Sarah enjoyed the sun on our deck and the flowers from our clematis (?) plant.


Daddy took a flight to India Saturday afternoon, so we missed him on Easter Sunday.  When we woke up that morning we found the Easter Bunny had made a visit!  Check out the real grass in those baskets (thanks, Gram!).


I think the Easter Bunny (or in this case, Gram) intended the stuffed bunny for Sarah, but Blaine latched on immediately so I didn’t correct him.


He also wanted to make the stuffed bunny wear the bunny ears…


Sarah wore her bunny dress to celebrate the day (thanks, Aunt Suzanne!).


And Blaine loved his Curious George Easter book so much, we read it 5 or 6 times (thanks, Liz and Tim!).


He also loved playing with this vehicle block puzzle from Gram.  It was just the right level of difficulty, but I think he’s got it figured out now.

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Later that morning we took a trip to the playground and played Blaine’s current favorite game – pretending the play structure is a plane, and Blaine is the pilot.


Happy Easter, everyone!


Happy 36th Birthday, Daddy!

We started celebrating Daddy’s birthday the day before with a birthday dinner at home, cake and singing, since we had a parents-only dinner out planned for the actual day.


It was a lot of candles, but Daddy was up for the challenge.

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Blaine enjoyed his cake (but we suspect the sugar did not help with his bedtime/night-time sleep…)


Here’s a sign Blaine decorated for Daddy, which is hiding a present (three pics of our house, from 1937, 1957, and 2015).


Daddy had the day off for his actual birthday the next day.  He got a lot of errands done before his trip to India on Saturday, but we also briefly visited the Volunteer Park Conservatory.

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Later that day before the babysitter arrived, Blaine helped Daddy open all his presents.


And gave Daddy a card he’d made:


Sarah’s first trip to the zoo

Sarah made it to the zoo for the first time on 4/2.  We met up with some friends for a very brief playdate in between naps, but we managed to see the gorillas, a jaguar and other rainforest animals, and we even visited those mean goats who stole Blaine’s hat last summer.
