March Roundup

A few photos from March!

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Blaine helped me wash the windows on the deck:

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One day at the playground in Volunteer Park we spotted this tractor and Blaine was so excited to meet the driver, Carol.  He also gets so excited whenever the UPS delivery truck guy (Elez) comes to the house, which is pretty much every day.


He’s also still obsessed with mowing the lawn:


Sarah is working on sitting up:


She’s also trying very hard to steal any food she can get her hands on, including this stalk of broccoli:


I thought this pic was hilarious – she looks like an old man smoking a cigar (it’s actually a toy hot dog):


Sarah looks like a cute little elf in this sweater:

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Sarah’s first trip to Marination (she got plenty in utero):


In a cute outfit from Aunt Jody:

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Here’s a video of Sarah blowing some bubbles:



Sarah is five months old

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The month by month series:

Hawaii, 3/2-9

On 3/2, we flew from Seattle to Maui for our first family vacation as a foursome.  Sarah was very well behaved on her first flight ever – she nursed, played, and took two naps in her carseat.


Sarah and I were seated directly behind Blaine and Daddy.


We stayed at the Puunoa Beach Estates condos on “Baby Beach” near Lahaina.  It was the perfect setup — soft sand, calm water, close to the grocery store and only a short walk into town.


Most days Daddy and Blaine would head to the beach after breakfast while I put Sarah down for her first nap.

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Once Sarah was sleeping I was able to join Daddy and Blaine on the beach since our video monitor was within range!


Blaine loved playing with this boogie board.  Well, he loved dragging it around on the beach.  He wasn’t so interested in actually getting it in/near the water.

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Blaine’s hair got progressively more “beachy” through the week.


After Sarah woke up from her morning nap I’d usually bring her out to the beach in the carrier before we’d all head back inside for lunch and more naps.


On one day we went all out and got Sarah into this adorable bathing suit we borrowed from the Siegels (thanks, guys!).  It was a bit snug, even though the size is 6-12 months.

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Otherwise, Sarah spent much of her non-nap time in the carrier (since she seemed to want to be held all the time).

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Post-naps we’d head back to the beach or the pool, or else take a walk.  We walked into the town of Lahaina a few times and on one trip stopped for some shave ice.

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Otherwise, we ate almost all of our delicious meals (prepared by Daddy) on our condo’s lanai.  Once again Blaine loved this pink guava bread.  He also enjoyed the local pineapple, but was surprisingly uninterested in trying papaya.


When not being carried around, Sarah enjoyed stealing my glasses.


And Blaine explored every corner of the condo.  When he found these flippers he decided to pretend they were a dustpan and brush (the cleaning obsession continues).  He was also very excited about pretending one of the couches was a firetruck and we were all driving around putting out fires.


This trip was also a great excuse to get Sarah into all the summery clothes she hasn’t had a chance to wear in Seattle.  Fashion show!  Here’s Sarah in a dress from Aunt Suzanne:


And here she is in an outfit Gram brought her from Italy:


This one is a hand-me-down from Blaine (I believe it was from the Marshalls?):

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On our last night we decided to risk a night out, and got spruced up for dinner at Cafe Mala.  Sarah wore this adorable dress Uncle Tim brought her from Australia:


We were seated on the outside deck on the water which turned out to be quite windy, and we were worried about Blaine and Sarah’s patience when the server hadn’t taken our order after 10 minutes.  But after we ordered the food came right away and we were out in no time (and with no crying)!  Phew.


Overall, we couldn’t have asked for a better first family vacation.