Merry Christmas

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It took us pretty much the whole day to get through all the presents — here are a few pics:

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Daddy made a delicious dinner of short ribs and mashed potatoes with green beans, and we didn’t even have room for the yule log for dessert (we found room the next day, though).

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The final present wasn’t opened until Friday the 26th.  Go Seahawks!


Here’s a video of Sarah enjoying her new train… before Blaine took it over.  Now it doesn’t work quite right, but that’s not a problem.


Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve Blaine’s daycare was closed so I had both kids in the morning!  I’m so happy we survived.  First we went to Bakery Nouveau to get a Christmas cake, and Blaine was so well behaved in the line.  Then we went to Volunteer Park and made a pile of sticks.


In the afternoon we made a batch of cookies for Santa.  Blaine was particularly interested in cleaning up!  And taste testing the result.

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Here’s a video of Blaine’s take on Santa:




Here are a few random shots from December…



Here’s another group PEPS shot… Sarah is the bottom center wearing a yellow sleeper (thanks, Gram!).  Clockwise from her is Rory, Lucy, Jackson, Nyella, Cosima, Noa, Louis, and Noa.  Not pictured are Ada and Mika.


On 12/21 we went out for brunch as a family for the first time since Sarah was born, to Vios Cafe.  We were in and out in about 40 mins and Sarah looked pretty alarmed the whole time but we managed to keep her quiet with her pacifier.

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Sarah has started grasping things with two hands and is pulling things to her mouth to investigate.


Sarah is two months old

It’s hard to believe that two months have gone by…


Here’s the month by month series!

PEPS 2-year photo

We had Blaine’s PEPS group over on Sunday, 12/7, and everyone was able to make it, so we decided to take a group photo.  It wasn’t quite so easy as it was when they were infants…

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