Happy Thanksgiving

We celebrated Sarah’s first Thanksgiving here in Seattle, and all the Westbrooks were able to fly in for the big day, including Gram and Grand-dad from Great Falls, Aunt Jody and her friend Amy from San Francisco, and Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael from Baltimore.  Thanks to everyone for making the trip out – we so enjoyed celebrating with you all!

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For dinner we enjoyed Daddy’s turkey and dressing, Grand-dad’s gravy, Gram’s brussels sprouts and parsnip/apple puree, Aunt Jody’s kale salad and roasted gourd, and Uncle Michael’s mac and cheese:IMG_0773 IMG_0778 IMG_7528 IMG_7526

And for dessert we had Gram’s persimmon pudding (flambeed!) and Aunt Suzanne’s apple pies.  Yum!IMG_7536

After dinner storytime with Amy:IMG_7532