Happy Birthday, Doc!

Happy Birthday, Doc!!  We’re sorry we couldn’t all be there with you for the big day, and extra sorry that these pics are getting posted so late!  Hope it was a great one!

Love, Blaine, Sarah, Sally Ann, and AndrewIMG_7866 IMG_7870 IMG_7871 IMG_7873 IMG_7874 IMG_7875 IMG_7876 IMG_7872

Happy Thanksgiving

We celebrated Sarah’s first Thanksgiving here in Seattle, and all the Westbrooks were able to fly in for the big day, including Gram and Grand-dad from Great Falls, Aunt Jody and her friend Amy from San Francisco, and Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael from Baltimore.  Thanks to everyone for making the trip out – we so enjoyed celebrating with you all!

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For dinner we enjoyed Daddy’s turkey and dressing, Grand-dad’s gravy, Gram’s brussels sprouts and parsnip/apple puree, Aunt Jody’s kale salad and roasted gourd, and Uncle Michael’s mac and cheese:IMG_0773 IMG_0778 IMG_7528 IMG_7526

And for dessert we had Gram’s persimmon pudding (flambeed!) and Aunt Suzanne’s apple pies.  Yum!IMG_7536

After dinner storytime with Amy:IMG_7532

Happy Birthday, Uncle Tim!

Happy Birthday, Uncle Tim!  We hope you had a fantastic birthday celebration over the weekend even though there were some issues on your actual birthday!  Hope you made it to Savannah and are having a great time, and we can’t wait to see you and Liz in January!

Love, Sally Ann, Andrew, Blaine, and Sarah


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At this point Blaine decided he’d rather be behind the camera, and insisted that I let him help take some pictures of Sarah…

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New PEPS group

I joined a new PEPS group that meets during the day. There are 11 moms all from nearby neighborhoods who had babies around the same time.  We have 3 boys and 8 girls in the group.

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One month

I was hoping to capture a smile for Sarah’s one month photos, but no luck!  She mostly looks like she’s plotting something sinister.  Thanks to Great Aunt Jane for the adorable girly outfit!  We’re getting a lot of wear out of this one since most of her other options are Blaine’s hand-me-downs.

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A visit from Gram and Grand-dad

Gram and Grand-dad arrived from Japan via Hawaii on 11/2, just as the Mahoneys were leaving.  They kept us going for another week of family support with lunches, dinners, and showering love and attention on Blaine and Sarah.  My only regret is not getting more pictures!  Sorry!


Sarah’s been showing off her smile.


Here’s a shot of Blaine showing Sarah how tummy time is really done.


On 11/8 Sarah impressed us all by grabbing the ring on this toy… possibly accidental, but she seemed pretty proud of herself.

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