A visit from the Mahoneys

Mom-Mom met up with Doc and Aunt Molly in San Diego on 10/23 for cousin Katie Forsyth’s wedding on 10/24.  On 10/26 they flew from San Diego to Seattle to meet Sarah, hang out with Blaine, and help out around the house.  Molly helped Sarah with tummy time, and kept Blaine entertained as no one but Molly can.


Doc patiently assembled this incredibly complicated kitchen we got Blaine for his birthday — which is now his favorite toy!


Doc also took care of a few minor crises around the house, as well as cooking a few meals.


On 10/28 Uncle Jim and Aunt Denise were in town and came by for dinner (well, two dinners if you count the one made by Blaine).


I love how this pic reminds me of the one taken of Aunt Denise and Blaine around the same age – here they are, for comparison:

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Lastly, Doc helped us get ready for Halloween by decorating the front porch and carving the pumpkins!


Thanks so much for all the help during our first few weeks of adjusting to having a newborn!