Halloween 2014

The Westbrook house was full of superheros for Halloween this year, with Blaine as Superman:


And Aunt Molly and Sarah as Wonder Women!

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Blaine was a natural at trick-or-treating.  We hit five houses this year (up from two last year) and Blaine was all business, grabbing candy and saying “bye-bye” to cut off conversation with chatty neighbors so we could move on to the next house.  Can’t wait to see him in action next year!


We had 459 trick or treaters this year, up from ~420 last year.  It could have been more but for the rain and the running out of candy at about 8:30.

A visit from the Mahoneys

Mom-Mom met up with Doc and Aunt Molly in San Diego on 10/23 for cousin Katie Forsyth’s wedding on 10/24.  On 10/26 they flew from San Diego to Seattle to meet Sarah, hang out with Blaine, and help out around the house.  Molly helped Sarah with tummy time, and kept Blaine entertained as no one but Molly can.


Doc patiently assembled this incredibly complicated kitchen we got Blaine for his birthday — which is now his favorite toy!


Doc also took care of a few minor crises around the house, as well as cooking a few meals.


On 10/28 Uncle Jim and Aunt Denise were in town and came by for dinner (well, two dinners if you count the one made by Blaine).


I love how this pic reminds me of the one taken of Aunt Denise and Blaine around the same age – here they are, for comparison:

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Lastly, Doc helped us get ready for Halloween by decorating the front porch and carving the pumpkins!


Thanks so much for all the help during our first few weeks of adjusting to having a newborn!

Mom-Mom arrives

Mom-Mom arrived on 10/14 to help with Sarah.  This quickly became a familiar scene — Sarah just loved sleeping on Mom-Mom.


I also took quite a few other sleeping baby photos in the early days:

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We also introduced Mom-Mom to sushi!  The very best in Seattle, from Nishino.


Sarah seems to love Daddy’s shoulder as much as Blaine did:


She’s also showing remarkable skill in the tummy time department — here’s her first attempt.

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And one more sleeping baby pic… why not?


Fun with Gram and Grand-dad

We were so lucky to have Gram and Grand-dad in town during Mommy’s hospital stay.  Blaine got to make cookies for Mommy (and enjoy a few himself) and go on an outing to the playground.  Thanks to Gram for sending these pics — it was such a relief to know that Blaine was in good hands and having fun while Mommy was recovering.

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Blaine and Sarah meet

Later that day, Gram brought Blaine to visit Mommy and Sarah in the hospital.  Here’s the first meeting:


I think this one about sums it up… 🙂


Blaine wasn’t that interested in the present that Sarah got for him (an elmo doll), but he sure was interested in Mommy’s graham crackers!


He was also very interested in using the camera to help take pictures of the momentous occasion:


In all seriousness, Blaine has been wonderful with his new little sister and loves to give her kisses and help bring blankets and diapers.  He’s been doing really well with this major life adjustment.  🙂

Welcome, Sarah!

Sarah Janet Westbrook was born on October 10 at 10:26 AM, weighing in at 10 lbs 3.6oz!  She’s named after two of her great grandmothers, and is the 6th Sarah on the maternal side (if you count me, Sally).  Courtesy of Mary Anne Dorman:
  1. Sarah J McCaffrey (born 11 Aug 1860, Philadelphia, PA)
  2. Sarah Adelaide Haines (born 26 Feb 1884, Philadelphia, PA)
  3. Sara Marie Faris (born 24 Mar 1916, Philadelphia, PA)
  4. Sally (Sarah) Marie Forsyth (born 20 Jul 1946, Darby, PA)
  5. Sally Ann Mahoney (born 10 Jul 1980, Bryn Mawr, PA)
  6. Sarah Janet Westbrook (born 10 Oct 2014, Seattle, WA)
Here’s a link to all the newborn photos taken in the hospital:
And here are a few more from our camera:

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Gram stopped by to meet her first grand-daughter, one hour old:

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Here we are with our birth doula, Deborah Rifkin, who was there for the birth of both Blaine and Sarah.  We couldn’t have done it without her!


Happy 2nd Birthday, Blaine!

Here’s the birthday boy enjoying his birthday banana breakfast!


Mommy and Gram picked Blaine up early from daycare for a trip to the zoo!  We saw hippos, giraffes, lions, elephants, orangutans…

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When we got home, Blaine was very excited to play with the birthday balloons Gram got him:

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We had Blaine’s favorite, BBQ chicken, for dinner:


Followed by cake, of course!  Gram made a delicious yellow cake with chocolate icing:

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Then it was time for presents – thanks to everyone who sent Blaine a gift!  We made our way through them over the course of the next several days.

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New hat

Gram arrived on 10/4 to help us when the new baby arrived, and brought Blaine this awesome new hat to replace the one the goat stole at the zoo (though we did get that one back from the zookeeper).  It has a picture of a lawnmower and the lining has pictures of goats!
