4th Wedding Anniversary

We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary early this year to be safe.  Mommy and Daddy had a delicious dinner at the new restaurant on the hill, Marron.


Mom-Mom and Doc sent us a nice anniversary card and Blaine decided to add his own artistic touch:


My hat!

We visited the zoo and Blaine’s hat fell into the goat pen.  A goat picked it up and started waving it around.  Blaine replied by screaming “my hat” at the goat — the goat didn’t care.IMG_0233

The Little Gym

I took these pics at the Little Gym on 8/17 but haven’t gotten around to posting them yet!  This is a weekly class we started over the summer and plan to keep up through the fall.

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Alki Beach

Our PEPS gathering on 9/7 was out in West Seattle at Alki Beach.  The day was beautiful, but the water was pretty cold.  The kids didn’t seem to mind, though.

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And, here’s a random brunch shot from September, at Coastal Kitchen.


Happy Birthday, Gram and Grand-dad

Gram and Grand-dad came to visit at the end of August, just in time to celebrate both of their birthdays!  Blaine is still talking about it.IMG_7224

Blaine made birthday cards for Gram and Grand-dad, complete with many construction stickers:


When Grand-dad asked what this sticker was a picture of, Blaine identified it as “butter”:


Blaine also loved helping to open the presents:


And he proceeded to play with Gram’s new potholders for the rest of their visit:


Gram and Grand-dad read Blaine many stories during their visit:

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They also took Blaine on several outings to the park, and we had a few brunches and other meals.  Thanks so much for visiting, Gram and Grand-dad!  We had a great time!



We had a great time at PEPSapalooza in August, where we got to see Caspar Babypants!  Thus began Blaine’s current obsession with the song, “Kangaroo”.



It turned into a hot day so I had to improvise a hat:


Here are a few other shots from August of Blaine helping cook breakfast – he loves to crack and scramble eggs (with assistance).
