Visit to Great Falls

On Saturday, 6/14, we flew from Seattle to Great Falls for a visit with Gram and Grand-dad!  On Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day with a trip to see the falls:IMG_2280 IMG_2282  WaterlevelIMG_2289 IMG_2292

That night, Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael came over for Father’s Day dinner:table1table2

On Monday, we took a day trip to Charlottesville to visit Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather.  Blaine loved playing with their African animal figurines, looking at pictures, and eating cookies…IMG_2296 IMG_2298 IMG_2303 IMG_2304

Back in Great Falls that afternoon, Gram let Blaine pick the first little tomato in her garden.  Blaine was so proud.Gram's gardenThe very first pick of the seasonShow it to Mommy and Daddy, of courseIMG_2315 IMG_2317 tomato4

Here are a few other random shots from our visit:GranddadIMG_2308  crayons

On Tuesday we drove to Philadelphia, and stopped in Baltimore to visit Aunt Suzanne and have lunch:IMG_2323IMG_2325IMG_2326