Visit to Wynnewood

We arrived in Wynnewood from Baltimore about 3 in the afternoon and settled in, then enjoyed a delicious dinner with Mom-mom, Doc, and Aunt Molly:IMG_2329IMG_2331

On Wednesday, we visited Aunt Molly at work at McDonald’s, where the staff celebrated her birthday (one day early) with a Ronald McDonald cake!IMG_2336

Then we went to the pool at Aronimink for some relief from the heat:IMG_2337

In the afternoon we played in an inflatable pool in the backyard, but I forgot to get pics.

Thursday, June 19, we celebrated Aunt Molly’s birthday!  In the morning Blaine, Mommy, Mom-Mom, Aunt Molly, and Uncle Fran went to the Narberth playground.  Blaine loved that the entire thing was one big sandbox, but the rest of us were bothered by the gnats, so we retreated into the library and happened to catch reading hour:IMG_2343IMG_2350

Then we went to Sabrina’s for brunch:IMG_2352IMG_2354

Meanwhile, Doc, Uncle Tim and Liz were busy picking up Tara from the breeders!  Blaine was in (5)IMG_2362

That night we had Hunan for Molly’s birthday dinner:IMG_2371IMG_2370IMG_2372IMG_2376

After dinner, we went outside for the birthday pinata!IMG_2377

Blaine didn’t seem interested in wielding this plastic bat…IMG_2381

But he thought it was absolutely hilarious to watch Aunt Molly demolish the pinata:IMG_2384IMG_2387

And then smash her face into some whipped cream:IMG_2392

Blaine loved Aunt Molly’s actual birthday cake (ice cream):IMG_2396IMG_2400


On Friday, we (Blaine, Daddy, Mommy, Uncle Fran, Doc, Uncle Tim, Liz, Liz’s nephew Emmett) went to the Philadelphia Zoo in the morning.IMG_2413

Blaine had his first ever petting zoo experience: IMG_2423 IMG_2418IMG_2426

And he enjoyed the attention from this duck during snack:IMG_2429

The giraffes were a big hit, as always:IMG_2434

On Friday night, we celebrated Aunt Molly’s birthday again during a big party with all the extended Mahoney and Forsyth relatives. IMG_2439 IMG_2440IMG_2446

On Saturday, we went to the playground in the morning and then Mommy and Blaine flew home to Seattle (sans Daddy, who was going on to India).  Here’s Blaine in his first class seat, enjoying a pre-takeoff snack:  20140621_174113

It took about an hour and a half of effort (and intermittent crying), but I finally got Blaine to sleep in my arms for the last two hours of the flight.  Phew!20140621_211008It was worth it to see all the Westbrook and Mahoney relatives!  Can’t wait to see everyone again soon!


Visit to Great Falls

On Saturday, 6/14, we flew from Seattle to Great Falls for a visit with Gram and Grand-dad!  On Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day with a trip to see the falls:IMG_2280 IMG_2282  WaterlevelIMG_2289 IMG_2292

That night, Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael came over for Father’s Day dinner:table1table2

On Monday, we took a day trip to Charlottesville to visit Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather.  Blaine loved playing with their African animal figurines, looking at pictures, and eating cookies…IMG_2296 IMG_2298 IMG_2303 IMG_2304

Back in Great Falls that afternoon, Gram let Blaine pick the first little tomato in her garden.  Blaine was so proud.Gram's gardenThe very first pick of the seasonShow it to Mommy and Daddy, of courseIMG_2315 IMG_2317 tomato4

Here are a few other random shots from our visit:GranddadIMG_2308  crayons

On Tuesday we drove to Philadelphia, and stopped in Baltimore to visit Aunt Suzanne and have lunch:IMG_2323IMG_2325IMG_2326


As promised, here are some “after” photos of our nearly complete landscaping project.  We still need to have the handrails installed, and get the new house steps painted to match, and give all the teeny plants some time to grow and look more natural, but otherwise we’re in good shape!

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Our weekend

Here are a few pictures from our relaxing weekend.  On Saturday we had a delicious brunch at Coastal Kitchen in the morning and in the afternoon we watched California Chrome lose the Belmont. 🙁


On Sunday we went to the playground in the morning and in the afternoon we went to the zoo.  Here are some flamingos:


Blaine wanted to get past this fence to see the giraffes:


And here’s a hippo:


We went for pizza at Serious Pie on the way home – Blaine must be having a growth spurt because he just kept eating!

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Touch a Truck

On 6/1 we went out to Magnuson Park for an event called “Touch a Truck”.  The name pretty much speaks for itself!  I think the trash truck was Blaine’s favorite:IMG_2260

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The event was packed – we were shocked how many families came out for the chance to touch some trucks.

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