First haircut, 3/30

On 3/30 we took Blaine to see Daddy’s stylist Carson at the downton Gene Juarez salon (very fancy).  Blaine wasn’t too interested in watching Daddy get his hair cut and preferred to look out the window at all the cars driving by below.  But when it was Blaine’s turn he was a perfect angel.  He sat still the whole time and didn’t protest once, much to our surprise!

Here are Blaine and Daddy looking handsome post-haircuts:

Say goodbye…

In preparation for Blaine’s first haircut today (3/30), we took a bunch of pictures before saying goodbye to his beautiful baby curls.  Here they are post-bath, before taming with a brush:

And here are some more, just for fun:

St. Patrick’s Day

Blaine celebrated St. Patrick’s Day this year by eating a green frosted cookie that the checkout lady at the supermarket gave to him!  He’s been so picky about green food lately we weren’t sure he’d go for it, but it was gone in a flash.


Blaine’s been refusing all vegetables for awhile now – we have no idea what happened!

Here he is hiding his broccoli between two plates…

Gram visits, 2/28-3/3

On Friday, 2/28, Gram arrived for a visit!  It was a beautiful afternoon so we went to the playground:

Gram made Blaine his very own stuffed elephant!

And Blaine quickly occupied Gram’s lap for some book time.

On Saturday we went to brunch in the morning at Vios Cafe.  In the afternoon we went to the Seattle Aquarium for the first time.

Blaine wasn’t quite able to reach but one of the employees brought over a starfish in a bowl.

On Sunday we hung out at home and read some more books!