Happy Birthday, Aunt Suzanne!

Sorry this post is coming a few days late!  We hope that you had a fabulous birthday in Uruguay on 2/21!  Blaine enjoyed helping out with coloring your birthday sign.  We’re all thinking of you and hoping to see you again soon!


Blaine, Andrew, and Sally

Mammoth Tusk, 2/14

A construction crew next door to Blaine’s daycare discovered a mammoth tusk during excavation!  On Valentine’s Day they removed the tusk and it was sent over to the Burke Museum at UW.

Fork skills

On 2/12 Blaine was really working on his fork skills at dinner, and even managed to get a few peas into his mouth!

Snow Day, 2/9

On Sunday, 2/9, we got a few inches of snow in Seattle!  Here’s Blaine in the snow for the first time:

We watched the big kids sledding down Highland street right near our house, and then we shoveled our walk:

Our neighbor, Doug, lent us a sled so that Blaine could have his first ride:


Here’s Blaine wearing his Seahawks shirt to daycare on Friday, 1/31:

And on Saturday, 2/1, picking up some snacks for the big game:

And here he is on Superbowl Sunday, cheering Seattle on to victory!

Blaine was asleep by the end, and managed to sleep through the fireworks and revelry.