Christmas 2013, Part 1: Virginia

On Friday, 12/20, we flew from Seattle non-stop to DC.  Blaine only slept for an hour, which made for a rough rest of the flight…

Here’s Blaine post-arrival in Daddy’s old high chair from when he was little – so retro!

Gram also introduced Blaine to the piano:

On Saturday, 12/21, Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael arrived from Baltimore and Aunt Jody flew in from San Francisco.  In the afternoon we went for a walk and played at the playground.

We probably should have realized that Blaine was teething when he was chewing on the rusty playground equipment!

That evening, Gram and Granddad prepared a delicious Christmas dinner featuring turkey and gravy and even a yule log for dessert!

And, after dinner, the stockings were hung by the chimney with care…

Sure enough, the next morning Santa had come and we all opened presents.  Here’s Blaine trying out his new push toy:

Perhaps his favorite present, though, was this box:

In the afternoon Blaine got to see Fritz, Dorothy, Cam, Megan, Marcella, Jill, Jack, Ben, Tracy, Chloe, Keenan, Amanda and David!

On Monday we took it easy (Mommy was feeling a little under the weather) and Gram, Granddad and Auny Jody packed for their trip to Hawaii!

Thank you to Gram and Granddad for hosting us – we had a wonderful time!

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